My DMV registration came in and it says MP 'Q' just want to make sure it's correct because Q just seems to be a Hybrid. I'm about to send in for my HOV stickers and don't want any problems.
I am not sure how to correctly answer your question with out knowing what state or country's DMV you are dealing with. Perhaps you could put your location in the Location field, or mention what state DMV you are dealing with.
Googling Motive Power Q got me My Nissan Leaf Forum • View topic - CA DMV Certificate of Title - What is the correct FUEL type? then googling Section 6.010 397 got me 6.010 Application for Registration of New Vehicle (REG 397) so if you live in CA I am on the right track and if not it was an interesting chase.
Hi Yes I'm in California. I have heard horror stories of my friends getting the car registered as just a hybrid (bad on the dealer registering the sale) and so the green sticker people and ca rebate people delayed issuing the sticker for over 2 months before it was corrected. Too bad I'm estranged from the 'friend' and can no longer ask him MP related questions. My docs say MP Q. Now I'll go read the above google link.
This was why I made sure to verify the paperwork my dealer submitted before they went ahead with it (and found this error!). Btw I'm starting work in the South Bay on Monday and am absolutely thrilled about buying my car back in September. I've had my carpool stickers for over 2 months now and I'd probably kill myself having to commute on 880 without carpool lane access (though I'll be switching to Capitol corridor in a few weeks).
Congrats on the new job. When I first saw the "South Bay" reference, I thought you meant you were coming to So Cal. I'm sure your folks would like having you closer.
thanks! hah, yeah. yeah, i'm sure they would, but honestly a) there's not much there in terms of software engineering work and b) i've never really taken much of a liking to the los angeles region in general.
so to clarify, when signing up at the California DMV, the fuel type is "Q" or "hybrid" not "electric? Were there any delays in signing up for the green stickers for those who put down "Q"?