I have a rule for cars. If you want me to pay attention to your message, you are allowed one bumper sticker (exceptions made for colleges that you or a direct family member attended). After that, I stop paying attention to anything you're saying. In this case, I'm thinking of voting Republican after seeing this car.
Wow, thats really.........interesting? You could title the thread "The weird and unimaginable things people do to their cars". :wacko:
What sort of bird shat all over that poor car? Like Squid, I'm intrigued by the owner of this car. What were they thinking? How many sqft of bumper sticker IS that? So many questions?
Thanks! There are actually signs like that on I5 going from San Diego to Orange County. I used to live in SoCal before moving out of state. I've always loved that sign so I use it as my avatar. B) eta - I'll use my car as my avatar once its in.
I think the owner said he put a sticker on for each week he had to wait for his parts to arrive from Coastal Dave.
I thought the signs said 'Prohibido'. Those are my favorite roadside signs ever. I look forward to them while driving from OC to SD on occasion. Edited to add: I just did a quick google search for the Prohibido sign and came across this entry in someone's blog: "I saw a series of the most unusual road signs I've ever seen. In the usual shape, size, and color of highway warning signs, it showed a family running across the road and said "Prohibido." All I could figure is that in Mexico it is common practice to run across the highway and the sign is warning that if you do it here you will become roadkill." Hahaha, LOL!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Edited again to add: http://www.xochico.com/tees/caution/cautionT.htm
Makes the placement and quantity HOV stickers seem more tolerable somehow. It there doesn't appear to be room for those on this one....
ha, not quite that extreme! oh yeah BTW, he's back in town so you can drop your car off whenever you're ready.