Ok, I messed up and installed the alt 12v batter with the polarity reversed, thus blowing the 100 amp fusible link on the drivers side under the hood. I have un bolted the two bolts and disconnected the 12v positive and the wire connection right above that. I have used a flathead screwdriver to pry the plastic tabs that hold the top peace to the bottom peace and it will not budge. I can not for the life of me get this thing off to get to the bolts that hold all the wires to the fusible link. There is a plastic part on the right of the fuse box that goes through a hole in the side of the engine bay, which there doesn't appear to be access to. Maybe this is what is holding me up. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
12V battery replaced with wrong polarity | PriusChat That post has a little more detail, hope it helps.
Ok I have read all those posts before that star that the fuse box assembly must be separated. However I found a way to do it by removing the positive nut and the lower left nut that mounts the lower part of the fusible link. After this get a small and long flathead screwdriver and insert it at the lower part of the fuse box where there is a tab that holds in the fuse holder that has that metal part that bolts to the fusible link. Twist the screwdriver to release this tab and pull up on that part it should pull up a inch or so. After this you can release the tabs that hold the fusible link in while pulling up the link. This will give you just enough access to unbolt the bolts that the wires to it. I sure hope this helps someone by saving them some time or frustration.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Please post photos of the disassembled fuse box and fusible link so that we can see how they fit together.
Ok just replaced the battery as my wife's priuss battery died, when it rains it pours, and I had to give her my new one while I waited for another. When I started it it had the emergency brake light on all the sudden. Any ideas why this would happen after my fiasco?
I understand that: 1) your car suffered a reverse polarity incident 2) you replaced the fusible link assembly 3) you replaced the 12V auxiliary battery If you only have one brake warning light on, then ignore that for now. Does the Prius become READY? Can the car be driven? Do all of the electrical systems function? Once you have determined that the only problem is the one brake warning light, do a search for how to clear skid control ECU DTC by using a jumper wire on pins 4 and 13 of the OBD-II connector. If the warning light comes back after you've reset the skid control ECU, then do a search for how to retrieve skid control ECU DTC by using the jumper wire and looking at blinks of the various brake system warning lights.
i do not think this is the skid control, which is the first warning icon with the swerve marks on it. this is the circle with the exclamation mark in it encased in parenthesizes. i will clear the code when i go home or get my obd II reader out.
The ((!)) warning light is related to the braking system. The braking system is controlled by the skid control ECU. You will find that skid control ECU cannot be easily read or cleared by a generic OBD-II code reader.