The original key fob case broke next to the lock button. The fob still works. If I can get a sound case I think I can remove the electronics from my original and install it in the sound case. If you have a fob in which the electronics is broken, I would like to use it to try and salvage my fob.
The trick for opening a Gen2 keyfob case is to insert needle nose pliers into the mechanical key slot & spread the case open. Best to remove the battery first. Clean the old glue out, and use a moderate strength glue to reseal. If you use too strong a glue, you'll never get the case open again without breaking it... The circuit board is just jam fit, although some of the glue may have overflowed from sealing the case. Note also that the transponder is separate from the circuit board. It's a black chip with no connections on it, fit into the bottom of the case. Gen3 doesn't have a separate transponder.
One more thing... The black logo and silver logo cases are identical. If all you want is the case, either one will work. The circuit boards are the same dimensions, although the electronics are different.
Thanks again. I take it the black logo case is for the smart entry version and the silver logo case is for the standard entry case, or vice versa.
Vice versa, the silver logo keyfob is for the Prius that has the Smart Key System or as you refer to it Smart Entry. Ron
Note that it's the electronics inside the keyfob that makes it SKS or non-SKS. The piece of plastic with the logo on it is interchangeable between the two types of keyfob. Having the wrong color logo is probably rare, but it could certainly be confusing.