Just started working on my taxes and unfortunately it looks like i owe money, however, it can't seem to get the software to include my prius tax credit? anyone able to get this to work? EDIT: err i meant federal
There is no California Tax Credit. You are thinking of the Federal Tax credit. You need to file IRS form 8834 to claim the credit. Tax Cut should have the form and should ask you if you bought a car that qualifies.
You didn't mention which tax software you are using. TurboTax has it under deductions, in the "Your Car" category, along with registration, etc.
It was with HR at home I ended up calling in and they informed me the online version doesnt offer this feature, and i'd have to come in.. which included additional fees (online fee + brick and morter fees) So i opted instead to try turbotax, and you're correct, turbotax does provided the credit without any hassle. Would be nice if HRBlock provided this, maybe customer support and I both were wrong? if someoen was able to get the 2500 credit wit HR Block let me know.. but hr block just lost a customer while TurboTax just picked one up.
It's actually tax form 8936. I have also been a long time H&R Block user and was disappointed to find they do not have the form built into the software (I was using the Deluxe edition, but it's not included in any of the editions). I confirmed that TurboTax includes the form. I was hoping to just re-import my old H&R block info from prior returns, but not worth passing up the federal tax credit.
To clairfy iplug's comment: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f8936.pdf • Use this form to claim the credit for certain plug-in electric vehicles (other than certain two- or three-wheeled or low-speed fourwheeled vehicles acquired before 2012). • Claim the credit for certain two- or three-wheeled or low-speed four-wheeled plug-in electric vehicles acquired before 2012 on Form 8834. • Claim the credit for certain alternative motor vehicles on Form 8910. http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f8834.pdf • Use this form to claim the credit for certain two- or three-wheeled vehicles or low-speed four-wheeled plug-in electric vehicles acquired before 2012. • Claim the credit for certain other plug-in electric vehicles on Form 8936. • Claim the credit for certain alternative motor vehicles on Form 8910.
The "acquired before 2012" refers to the 2 or 3 wheeled vehicles or low-speed 4-wheel vehicles. The PiP may not be a high-performance vehicle, but it is not in the "low-speed 4-wheel vehicle" category
I sit corrected. And I'm a long time H&R block user as well. I switched to H&R when TurboTax got obnoxious with their software licenses and copy protection schemes. Don't really wanna switch back to TurboTax at this point...
Sooo - you're no longer worried about CA - right? because now (others and) you've switch to talking about IRS rules. CA is rebate $$$ plain & simple. So far, neither the State nor the Fed's have decided to tax this rebate money - though it's certainly within their purview - especially with the crappy budgets both run.
i've bought TT through Amazon's online download service for 3 years now and there are no licenses or copy protection schemes that I can see. Parents and I both downloaded the software and plan on doing e-files separately…hasn't been a problem past two years.
If any of you have successfully gotten H&R Block to refund you for the software, let me know, but as for my experience - I tried to get a refund but all I got was a wasted hour of my time. So much for the "maximum refund guarantee". I bought H&R Block Deluxe via the Amazon online download service. After waiting most of the time, they asked questions including the last 4 of my SSN and key codes, but in the end said they could not confirm the purchase. For the twenty something dollars I paid for the program, it seems not worth my time pursuing this further, so I'll be getting TurboTax soon.
Allegedly the super premium deluxe home & business version (for $80) has all the forms. But when I click on the link to see what is included, it brings up a PDF that refers to the 2011 tax year edition. H&R says they'll provide a 100% money back guarantee within 60 days if you are dissatisfied for any reason. They have already sent me a CD/DVD with the software. I suppose I should load it up and see if the forms are there. If not, I can easily get my money back, supposedly.
Off topic, but yesterday my CPA told me that there will be further delays in e-filing my returns. California is not accepting any e-filing yet, and federal returns which include schedule C (business) and energy credits aren't being accepted now. He is hoping everybody will get caught up within the next couple of weeks, but it may be into March. He blames Congress, rather than the IRS. Says it all stems from the "financial cliff" fiasco.