I am looking for a Tech or a Master Tech that actually works on the Toyota Prius' to exchange some emails with my husband. He has some questions he was wanting to ask. Thanks in advance!
if no one gets back to you, feel free to post his questions in the approprite forum, there are some very savvy and helpful people here. all the best!
+1 I would dare to say there are many people here who know more about the Prius than most techs out there. Auto "repair" has been replaced with auto "replace", so intimate knowledge of the mechanics and electrics are not needed to work on the vehicles as a tech.
^Concur. I've been hard on some "Geeenuuuwyne" factory technicians in the past, mostly because the %^$#! dealers try to turn their repair and parts departments into profit centers to prop up their ginormous brick and mortar dealerships. However (comma!) to be fair to the thieving, nasty crooks in the dealership....you do have to be somewhat well trained to be a master technician, and people ought to be rewarded for their time. If the questions that your husband has can be answered by laypersons in this humble forum, then you/he ought to give them a thwack at it. You didn't identify what flavor of Prius that your husband is tinkering with or where you're physically at, which is totally cool because...hey....the interweb is a creepy place. BUT! If he's tinkering with...say...a G2 (second gen Prius 04-09) then there is an especially large knowledge base in these parts. I'd be veeeery surprised if somebody couldn't give him a little rudder input on whatever is vexing him. Good Luck!
I agree that sometimes the owners know more than the technicians. We haven't bought the Prius yet. I'm looking at a C. My husband is a master tech but his experience has always been in the foreign import cars and has no experience with the C. He has some questions as to how it is put together like dash assembly pieces and he just told me to find someone that would be willing to email him. I will suggest that he place his questions here but once he is home from work he hates sitting down at a computer since he is in front of one most of the day. Thanks!
If he does not want to sit in front of the computer just have him dictate his questions to you and you can post them here I agree with the others that is the best way to get his questions answered.
perhaps a talk with the service managers when you're car shopping could effect a face to face with the hybrid tech's.
Let's hear the questions! Between a few of us on the forum, we've probably had more Prius C taken apart and successfully put back together than most dealership service hacks combined. I'd be shocked if there's a question he has that can't be answered better here than trying to scrape out a coherent answer from a dealership. In the meantime, have him look at the e-microfiche on the following dealers website. It's been very helpful for me; it's reasonably easy to deduce most of the assembly methodology from these diagrams: INSTRUMENT PANEL & GLOVE COMPARTMENT. Fits: 2012 TOYOTA Prius C SEDAN, 5-DOOR, TWO | Village Toyota Parts