that all the Toyotas I see are either Silver, grey or black? Giving serious consideration to telling Ford to Shove it, and taking my business elsewhere.
I think researchers discovered a preference among consumers for those grayish colors. This is precisely why I'm driving a new RED Prius.
Meh, Hate the silvers and grays, Black is OK, but a pain to keep clean. I prefer the deep blues, pearls, and reds myself. Seems like no one stocks any other color but black, silver, LOTS of silver and gray.
i think toyota saves the good colors for the more expensive cars. we have never liked the color selection on the camry, hence, this one is gray, and the next one black.
Giving total contemplation on a new Prius, but NOT in Silver! seems like its the only choice around here though. Looks like 2012 Pri have 0% for 60.
Agreed! Elgin area in IL. There are two dealers nearby, both have Silver, Gray and Black. Both the Prius and Camry! Yuck! Even my horse doesnt like the Silver, He bit the Camry!
Green. Very Very dark green. Its called Atlantis Green. You know I never took a picture of it. It looks like this, under the right light, but normally looks black.
They make lots of different colours, it is up to the dealer to pick what they want. Your local dealerships sound boring. Perhaps you should shop outside your immediate zip codes.
They're the most popular and easy-to-sell colors. I miss having a bright colored car, although I have always loved the charcoal/graphite color that I ended up with. Probably due to its size, they don't make the v wagon in any truly loud colors anyway.
How about the Prius C orange with a couple white racing stripes? I do think the orange wouldn't look so bad on a Gen III.