The huge battery at the back is a big concern of mine. Essentially I have a 5-year old sitting right on top of it in the back seat on almost a daily basis. Am I exposing my child repeatedly to disturbing levels of EMF? Currently not enough evidence had been found so far by studies to raise a red flag on this. But what if 10 - 20 years down the line scientists would look up their charts and start saying, "uuh, ooops..."?
Actually there have been some studies. They couldn't sell the car in the US without them. There are some very transient spikes during start-up, but otherwise the e-m field is the same as a non-hybrid car. What happens in 20 years...I can't say.
There is a huge reservoir of highly flammable energy packed explosive liquid right behind the rear seats. I'm more aware of this cancer causing agent exploding than EMF from a large battery.
Well according to your profile you already own a 2012 Prius Two. So if that's the case evidently the battery pack and the EMF field wasn't THAT big a concern. You also seem aware of the fact that current studies don't raise any red flags. And finally? You're living in Southern California. With all the available technology, and exposure to everything from smog to cell phone towers, I'd say go with best information and don't worry. You can't predict future. Usually it's the thing nobody is in the least bit concerned about that becomes the problem. So I'm guessing they discover Licorice Jelly Beans are Satans pills of self destruction. In the meantime? I think any EMF risk your son is taking riding in the back seat is below the background noise for any risk, anywhere. If it still bothers you? Invest into some Lead Pads.
By pure chance, all light switches emit EMF when turned off, depending upon the cycle phase: 120VAC varies from 0V to 170V peak Prius battery is 202V or 144V for the Prius c Mechanical switches will draw a brief arc generating a wide range of RF frequencies Prius switches are arc-less, solid state with significantly less RF Florescent bulb including compact have a sharp, 120 times per second, ON-OFF Earlier Prius ran the power cables external to the cabin between the battery and engine compartment. This puts the steel shell between the battery and cabin. From a structural standpoint, the battery will strongly resist side impacts that try to enter the cabin. Someone sitting in the middle of the rear seat is in the safest place in the car. Bob Wilson
The one anecdote is not data, but here is one man and his meter measuring EMF in his Prius. My 2008 Prius, and other things, EMF Measurements! | PriusChat
Yup, and he got real good measurements of the earths magnetic field. Get serious people! If the Prius emitted a lot of "EMF" it would be inefficient as that would be lost energy. The Prius is NOT inefficient, in fact it's one of the most efficient cars in production. A battery sitting there does not emit anything (unless it has a leak, in which case it's a chemical not EMF). The -CABLES- from the battery can have a magnetic field develop around them when currents flow through them and they can also act as an electric field antenna, but they are run through a metal channel which prevents these fields from radiating. The channel is actually there to protect us in case of a severe accident. There is also ground fault protection on -both- leads from the battery. You are inside a "Faraday cage". The motor, inverter, and battery cables are outside of that cage. The battery itself is inside its' own "Faraday cage" (a steel box). A "Faraday cage" shields you from most EM fields. If the field was strong enough to penetrate that cage the car wouldn't work as you would be loosing too much energy. So relax and watch the blinking lights.
With one of the Cadillacs I owned, when I would take it into Manhatten, the remote was totally useless. I could lay it on the car and it wouldn't work. Once I'm out of the city, it worked fine every time, so you can imagine what floats around there.
Oh, the Faraday cage! Isn't that the gadget you see in some videos with extreme electricity (as in the form of lightning bolts) coursing outside of the cage while someone stands inside, unaffected by the voltage? Makes me love my Prius that much more...
I can't seem to compare the Prius to the Philadelphia Project, Maglev trains or old fashion Trolly cars. If you have to be concerned about you Son's safety, keep him away from the TV, Xbox and electric tooth brushes. LOL