Weeding out the unsupportive and ineffective dealers is probably a good thing. If they were welling well, or thinking about good support they would be getting the tools. Just think how weakly someone unwilling to buy these tools would probably service the car after purchase. Only want dedicated dealers..
It has been pointed out there are a lot of specialized tools that dealers are require to buy for various nameplates. Cadillac ELR will require same tools.
This is a generic problem not confined to the Volt. There is an entire business built around specialty tools for automotive applications. A similar specialty tool issue may be why the PiP is only marketed in a few states.
Smart business move on behalf of the dealer. Why pay 5100 U.S. and sell only a couple of vehicles? Unless Government Motors is helping with the incurred cost, what dealer would want to go this route? Dealers are in business to move product and make $$$. They are not in it for being a charity. Good for the dealers to drop the vehicle from their showroom floor and lots. They can move other vehicles and have a quicker turnover of inventory. Even with the ELS (grampas' car), dealers are still facing the 5100 U.S. up front cost for repairing them. Volume sales is needed to offset costs. This isn't rocket science people. DBCassidy
The Chevy dealer can drop the Volt until GM says you'll have to buy a Volt for every x number of Corvettes or pick up trucks you order.
I check with a Chevrolet sales manager and Chevy desn't restrict anything for not taking Volts. The only thing that happens is you can't sell them again unless you're recertified to.
A dealer givened the choice of selling Cruses or Silverados vs. Volts, will take the Cruse or Silverado over the Volt. Why not? Dealers can move the Cruse or Silverado with ease vs. the harder sell of the Volt. Also limited inventory of the Volt does not help a dealer who has the sales ability and/or $5100 up front tool costs. THAT has to be very frustrating to a dealer who has a customer base wanting to buy a Volt, BUT, can't get them! Dealers like to retain customers, its' good for business. NOT having enough Volts availible for sale = bad for business. DBCassidy