My C has accumulated small leaves in the ventilation vent (I assume thats the name) located at the bottom of windshield, see image. Any hint how to clean? Sent ?
Another for a shop vac. Maybe even a house vac, since there isn't much debris and it's small. Use a screwdriver or even a stick to poke into the holes to break up the leaves while you vacuum.
Thanks for all your tips. I used a toothpick to let them loose (were almost solid after accumulating for some months, water running through the vent and sun drying them) and then vacuum. Most are gone, a lot better. Sent ?
I thought of an idea that just might work if all of the others don't. Send those leaves back throughto vents where they came in with a leaf blower. Believe it or not, my son uses it (very carefully) to blow the dust from the fans on his gaming PC. The first time he tried it it was almost as if someone had popped a large balloon filled with a cup of flour. Leaf blowers are handier than I thought! I also used it to blow out the car and clear areas my vacuum couldn't get on the car I sold to buy our new Prius C .
I use a leafblower to dry off my vehicles...then finish up with sham...its a smaller blower tho, must be careful with winds over 200mph especially under the hood... Glad to see you got the junk out...for the rear hatch wash out with your exterior wet wash method, then while wet, use the blower..then make sure you wax it well...will come off easier next time...DONT try and wipe it out of its dried out up there or you will scratch the paint...