Try Northern State Parkway on Long Island - some of the entrance ramps are amazingly short. This one is about three car lengths, leading on to a limited-access highway with a 55 MPH limit (generally exceeded):
I had a moron honking for 10 seconds from behind. I did pull a bit of bonehead maneuver, missing getting in left turn lane, then stopped to see if could sneak in, but traffic came up from behind. I hit the gas, but some death metal rocker type in a Honda Element laid on the horn for about 10 seconds. Dude seemed to have issues anyway. The thing that gets me is the majority of cars I see parked at work or store, etc, do not average even 30 MPG. Many of them are under 25. Then I realize, my car is not too much smaller or slower than many of those cars, and the CONS gage is reading 50 something today. I don't expect everyone to run out and get a Prius. They are fairly pricey for their size. Obviously not loaded with power or size. That said, I can hardly wait to see what Toyota can do for the 4th Gen Prius. I hope it's a hefty improvement.
It happens! A coworker was without her car for two weeks and between another friend of hers and me, she had ten days of road time in two different Prii and by the end she was seeing green...
Okay, I'll admit it. I was the moron last night. I had a stressful day at work yesterday but it doesn't excuse my behavior. I'd like to apologize to the driver of the white Altima behind me last night flashing their beams at me even though that person would never read this forum. Yes, I was accelerating slowly being a road block. I had no right to press on my brakes scaring the wits out of you as you tailgated me. I saw your headlights dive under my car. I am ashamed at myself and I thought I was above this road rage nonsense but apparently not. I'm sorry. Thank you for not hitting me.
It happens to the best of us, once in a while. A real moron does it with no remorse. BTW, don't forget to say your ten "Hail Mary's".
Definitely a moron magnet. It's in direct relationship to mpg. It's the morons in the gas guzzlers who are most obvious. The lower the mpg of the vehicle the more likely to tailgate or cut in front of a Prius.
Two tailgaters yesterday... had to put some distance between me and them... one was a truck that definitely did not enjoy me pulling away and he made sure to pass at lightspeed across the double lines and I was above the speed limit. Maybe that driver wanted to show me how loud his engine was but I had the last laugh... my truck at home was bigger.
Why would anyone tarnish their Beloved Prius with some stupid politicians name on it? For that matter any name especially the dealer. If I'm going to advertise - and it's not for me, it certainly not for free! A dealer gets hundreds if not thousands from you in a deal then you advertise their name for years and you do it for free, I think not!
# 1 action: Remove dealer license plate frames. I removed mine right at the dealership and handed them to the salesman.
Uh...that's not true everywhere. In fact.....I'm not sure that it's 100 percent true anywhere, but I'm not going get into one of those daffy PC discussions about it. And I'm not going to cite. Generally speaking vehicles that are already on the highway have the right of way. If you're in a lane that is about to end (e.g. on-ramp) then it's your responsibility to safely merge into the other lane, just as it's YOUR responsibility to safely change lanes when you're already on the super slab if you wish to do so. There are some places and instances where the overtaking vehicle (already on the interstate) has to yield and it's always good common courtesy to give a gap when and where you can however (comma!!!) I've been to the left coast many times and common courtesy there...isn't. I've also driven in all of those itty-bitty little blue states in the Northeast, and they're not much better although I do really like rotaries (roundabouts.) If people were required to have a three digit IQ in order to drive, and if intersections were replaced with rotaries where practical.....then lives would be spared and traffic would flow much more freely. America? HA!! Please pardon the digression.... There are 50 states...and so I'm suuuuuuuure that there is some state out there like Utah that has to roll a little differently. If you have a license...then it's up to YOU to find out definitively what the laws are where you live and drive. Don't take my word for it.