A group of people have been working to reverse engineer the Volt's OBD2 Data. Finally getting the fields people want to know most (or at least getting close.. don't think I can actually draw 125000wh instantaneous... so I might be a tad off. working on some more calibration runs/ideas). Have about 40 fields mapped now and will keep working on a few more when I get time. But i know there was some interest here in OBD2 Pids.. contact me for the torque csv (I keep changing it as I make progress so don't want to post it here quite yet.. but those wanting to experiment and maybe help calibrate data would be welcome to it now ;-) Here is a Screen shot of some interesting fields:
It may be instant power (in Watt). Divide it by 1,000 to get kW. 125 kW from the battery and 35.7 kW regen makes more sense.
yea, I think you have mislabeled the units as Wh instead of just watts (W). It looks like the top right gauge is also labeled with the wrong unit, "A" rather than "V" It would be interesting to display "Motor A" and "Motor B" on the same gauge as "Inst Wh kW" I would relabel "Inst Wh kW" as "kW Power"
Correct.. my labels are still wrong .. e.g. motor A says Wh V, especially on the display as I often for to update the "short label" which is what shows up in the displays.. (but the long label is in the logs which is still where I spend more time). And the units (kW) are wrong.. as I its a work in progress. My concern was that 125kW was more than I should be able to draw (motors are 111kW), though I've now pretty much convinced myself its the other source of energy draw and energy losses to the motors (this is power from the battery, not at the motor).
I made a few runs today and it looks like "MGB W" is the main traction motor in the csv I downloaded, with a max of 111,000 W and maybe -69,000 W ( L mode ). I also some some on "MGA W" when I was cruising around 55 - 65 mph. I didn't seem to get anything for "Inst W".
The InstW is a computed field (so is MGB and MGAW). Not sure why you did not see anything but I've had torque not show them once, and restarted torque and it worked the next time. I've sent ian email to see if there is something special for computed ones.
Nice video. The instW is changing so fast might want to go with kW (divide by 1000), or do it as the graph mode. i think You'll quicky find seeing the BV volt and Amps is not as asintersting as seeing the invidisual motor power (MGA Wand MGB W)
That would (probably) only make a difference if I could round the divided by 1000 number. Does round() work?
what was your Wh/km equation ? I tried one for Wh/mile and didn't get data all the way to a graph. Also noticing your vehicle speed and gps speed are out of sync. Do you think it is just display lag?
Interesting how much the efficiency varies as you drive.. and that its hard to see the overall efficiency (need intgration).. I expect you were, overall, efficient but harder to tell. A torque plugin is the only what I see to add that..
The problem was afternoon traffic traveling at a constantly varying speed so I could not put the car to CC.
You are consuming energy from the battery, are you not? And Andis PID is showing you how many Wh (energy) you are consuming per km.
And it also tells you how efficiently you're driving. Lower the value, more efficiently you're driving.