Has anyone shopped for tires on Walmart's website. You search for Toyota, and it returns that there are no tires for that manufacturer and year? Very odd.. Yet, I search for the 185-65-15 size of the Prius, and it returns 9 matches. 1. Does anyone know why? or can guess? It certainly can't be because Walmart has something against foreign made items!! B) 2. Has anyone used Goodyear Ultra Grip Ice on the Prius?
I've gotten the same response on other websites. It's just easier to know the size of the tire you need.
Walmart has the worst search engine within their site of any corporate site I have ever used. Most searches return books, not items you would expect to be found specifically. Even under their catagories, it seems, items are not represented logically. It's largely a useless site. Try using a keyword like "drill". Search only returns books. If you want a drill, you have to search using Black and Decker. In other words, you have to know what they sell before you can find what they sell. Rod