I was wondering if any whose registration renewal is due in the next 60 days have been told they need a smog test now that the CPR has eliminated tailpipe "sniffer" tests for OBD II vehicles. As I understand it, the test is now an OBD reading (any codes is an automatic fail), and a visual look for illegal mods. (Basically like the Diesel smog test but without the "snap" test)
From what I can tell, the OBD II check, the visual check and the evaporative system functional check are all that is done. IIRC, none of those require the car to be running which is why I was wondering if the Prius was still exempt.
I just purchased my 1st Prius (used 2004) a couple of weeks ago. It did not require a smog to transfer title.
Yep, just got My renewal yesterday. $261 w/ no smog required......maybe cause its a 2012 but I believe the Prii is still exempt.