I am over it - but the whole ridiculous texting sequence of messages made me laugh - it was like the blue screen of death on a computer or bad diagnostic codes.... Control-Alt-Delete! Today's a new day!
Oh, wish I knew that! Next trip down there I am going to have to visit. Most of my time was spent in Brooklyn on this trip with the final destination the 2nd Avenue Deli prior to boarding the train for home.
Best frog/prince joke I heard: A lonely lady was walking along a pond and a frog called out to her. He said, "If you kiss me, I will turn into the most handsome prince you have ever seen. I will marry you, bring you home to my castle where you can cook my meals, clean up after me, have six children and live with my mom." Later than evening as the lady dined on frog's legs sautéed in white wine and butter she said, "I don't ****ing think so." The saga continues...
Contacted by a "player" - after a few emails called him out on his game and put him in his place - really dude, text me at 11:00PM and tell me I have your "full attention?" GTH! Going to be a "go-it-alone" day tomorrow... for the first time in years. Trying to follow the therapist's advice and do "something for myself" but Good Gawd, that seems like something going back to that "Whoopee" thread and "power tools"!
Hey that's OK. Get the tension out and have a Little fun or a whole lot of fun Sometimes you stumble on a Few frogs before the Prince appears. It's part of the process. Sometimes the last place you expect and bam you meet the one.
Can't even seem to find frogs these days... it is the dead zone here and it is not a fun place at all. (Waah, waah, waah! Yeah, I know - start looking for the crackers and cheese to go with that "whine." ) Had to rewire electric fencing after the blizzard - that is the only place I am finding sparks... I am getting good at insulator repairs, working with the fencer and have not gotten "zapped" with this new system. On a lighter note, we got snow last night and an hour delay this AM! That means time to get a really large "poison"coffee and take my time getting to work...
Hmm, my old college roommate is a prof at RWU. He's in his mid-50s and I believe still single. Very interesting guy just to know. PM me if you'd like me to contact him.
I'd have to know he's single for sure! Nothing like contacting someone and having them say they are already "matched." RWU is an hour and a half from here... my brother in law got his law degree there. Thanks for the thought!
But for tonight, took my nieces out for dinner and had a blast laughing and chatting about school. After an awful day this was the pick-me-up I needed. Plus they got to ride in the Prius... since they are high school age I am starting them early...
I sent him an email last night after I returned home. I included a link to this thread to show that I wasn't just yanking his chain. Not that I would try to pull something on someone I've known since junior high, right??
Well, now I have a "train" scheduled for some quality time next week. Wish me luck! Can't reveal too much now... this one could have some "skin" in the game....
I am driving the Prius unless we have snow. I've had way too much Kool Aid not to let my true being shine. No other details until next week... And I don't believe in magic... was a magician's assistant back in the Middle Ages and know life is just an illusion.