Hello, Gang, I have a Gen III Prius, 2011, that somehow shed two of its passenger side wheel covers when the passenger side front tire had a blowout. My wheels (underneath the wheel covers) are silver and have 5 double spokes. I've searched the forums and can't seem to find definitive answers to the following questions. If I choose to leave the wheel covers off, is there a confirmed source for center caps for this wheel? If I choose to replace the missing covers, has anybody found a discounted source for used OEM wheel covers or good looking, non-OEM wheel covers that fit well? Thanks!
Buy mine (2012 X 4) for whatever you consider reasonable + shipping from seattle. But honestly, lose the plastic and get the center cap from your dealer. They're something like $15 each, but makes for a nice-looking wheel. Or you could go hypermiler-chic with pie tins for maximum slipperiness.
Lowes or Home Depot sells plugs for electrical boxes that can be painted to match the stock rims perfectly, and they are about a buck each. I cant remember what they are called, knockout plugs? The 1.5 inch diameter fit, you have to spread the clips slightly with some pliers but its real easy. I chose not to paint them, they are close enough for me!
you can find the same 2011 wheel covers on eBay WITHOUT the Toyota emblem for ~$45 for four. My dealer here even sells the non logo wheel covers for $45
My wheel cover for my 2012 was ripped off! Dealer wanted $90.00 for replacement. Did the electric junction box knockout plugs. Lowe's has them for a buck each (1 1/2 in.). Painted black,spread the clips a little...Bingo!! Fit perfectly in the center!!!!!
I bought Yaris wheel centers just the other day directly from our dealer. 8 of them, actually. 4 for us and 4 for my father, who's also taken the hubcaps off his Gen3. I've got one of the little plastic bags that the wheel centers shipped in right in front of me. The part # is 42603-52110. 42603-52110 is the Yaris wheel center with the textured background. There's another one, shown in this PriusChat thread, that's smoother and shinier. I like the subtler look of the textured one. I made some of the DIY electrical knock-out covers and had those on for over a year. The real thing looks much classier. Besides, the knock-outs were starting to rust, so it was time to either repaint them or try something different.
I have designed caps for Gen II and Gen III 15 inch wheels, which can be 3D printed by a company called Shapeways. They are made out of "Laser-Sintered Nylon", and should be painted the color of your choice for protection. They will have a velvety texture that will take paint well. The faceted appearance of the rendered images is an artifact of the modeling software; all curves should appear very smooth. I expect to receive a set of Gen III caps tomorrow, I will be posting photos of fit and finish as soon as possible. I should receive the Gen II prototypes in the next week or so. I have every expectation that these will fit the wheels exactly as expected (the measurements and printing process are very precise), but I cannot say that for certain until I test the fit myself. Gen III 15 inch wheel center caps (equivalent to Part Number 42603-52110): Power Symbol Peace Symbol Lightning Bolt Ecology Symbol Gen II 15 inch wheel center caps (equivalent to Part Number 42603-52030): Power Symbol I am doing this because I am a creative geek. The price is based on volume of material in each object and includes a small (approx. 10%) markup. I believe this is a reasonable return given the hours I have invested in this project. I have more designs that will be uploaded soon. If you think you have a good idea for a Prius center cap, contact me. If I can, I will endeavor to make it available.
3D printed wheel centers?? What an awesome idea. I've been reading about the coming 3D printer revolution. This is a perfect example. This might be a great alternative for the folks who have the black-painted alloys and don't want the chrome Yaris wheel centers! schlem, could you please get right to work on some 3D printed grill covers? Especially the two small grill openings to either side of the Toyota emblem, since they're more visible. You can work on the lower openings later
Why, thank you. If you're serious about the grill covers, it could be done. The measuring is a bit fiddly, but if I can model it numerically, having it printed should be a snap. Smooth? Emblem, pattern, ornamentation? Could either clip on the vanes (do not know if they are consistent across all models/trim, or screw/snap to backing plate. I think a clip-on design should stay put at speed, but that is what testing is about. The wheel center caps are diversifying. Check them out HERE, and give me your suggestions. schlem