I've had two dealers now tell me that Toyota is no longer shipping a Package 7 Prius. Can anyone add comment to this?
I haven't heard that. In talking to my sales guy yesterday (Southern California) he said he expects at least 40% of the dealer's next allocation to be Packages 7 & 8. This allocation is expected to arrive today or tomorrow. So they're definitely still making them. I would imagine it would be a very 'in demand' package, as it's fully loaded (minus the leather seats that Package 8 has). Perhaps you should check with a few more dealers within 1-2 hours radius of where you're located?? It may be the area you are in-different regions receive different packages. Southern California only gets Packages 1, 3, 6, 7, and 8. Check with the dealers you've already spoken to and see if they could get a Package 7 swapped from a dealer from another area? A simple way to find out if Package 7 is available in your area or not is by going to www.toyota.com and building a Prius using your zip code. Good luck!!
Southern CA gets package 1, 3, 6, 7 & 8 now. We are still getting 7's. Not too many, but we are! Dianne
I went to a dealer in Missouri in December who had a 2006 package 7 on the lot for a couple weeks trying to sell (people were looking for cheaper packages) and another in Michigan with the same story in early January. They seem to still be delivering and making it...and in fact some dealers have told me you can choose package, color and all if you are willing to wait a little longer yet. But I have gotten different stories from almost all of the 6 or 7 salespeople I have talked to. Jim
Jan 19 2006, 02:44 PM] I've had two dealers now tell me that Toyota is no longer shipping a Package 7 Prius. Can anyone add comment to this? ---------------------------------- I've heard the exact opposite from my local dealer in North Carolina. I'm looking for a smaller package, but he tells me that Package #7 is the only one he's getting in. My guess is he's looking to make a bigger profit margin and they'll say whatever they want to make a sale.
Every time I check the local dealer's allocation, ALL he's getting are Package #1's and #7's, hardly any 3's, or anything else.
It would be good for prospective buyers to know what state (region) you're in when comments regarding packages are made. Various regions, at least in the past, have emphasized certain packages and de-emphasized others. This issue may just be a regional thing.
Here in central FL I see a lot of pkg 7's. I was interested in a Silver Pine Mica pkg 7 and went to a dealer just two weeks ago. Turns out that combination is not common and there were only three in the SE region in the last set of allocations. But the dealer was able to preference one of them for me and it's supposed to arrive here on 2/6. Assuming it does, that will be less than four weeks from first dealer contact to delivered car. Here, the common packages are 1, 3, 4, and 7. There are essentially NO 5's or 6's. (My original preference was for a 6, but all the dealers I spoke with said it could take so long I'd be risking the tax credit.)
Where are you located? Could it be a package that isn't offered in your region? Here in WA State, the Pkg 7 is listed as being available.