I just took delivery of a white, 2006 Prius with the max package (Is it 8?). Am I impressed? WOW! Each day brings a new discovery. However, I do have a bone to pick. For such a well-done manual I’m surprised the highly touted Bluetooth feature is barely mentioned. I also bought a new Motorola RAZR cellphone through Cingular and it also pretty much neglects Bluetooth, except in the ads. Anyone have ideas where I can go to get more info on this feature? Thanks, OldProf
I am awaiting my Prius so I can't double check this. I seem to remember this being asked before and someone said it was listed under "handsfree" in the manual. If I am wrong I am sure someone will come to the rescue that actually knows :lol: Congratulations, you are gonna love it.
I also congratulate you on your choice of cars, OldProf! I think it's going to be difficult for anyone to respond to your request for "more info" unless you can tell us where you're at in the process. For example, have you paired your phone with your car at this point? In case you are asking only for the basics, the following quick reference guide should get you started: http://toyota.letstalk.com/bluetooth/toyota/v3razr_bt.pdf
John1701a has instructions on how to set up the Motorola RAZR V3 here: http://john1701a.com/prius/prius-bluetooth.htm
Another thing to remember is how to enter the contacts from your phone into the car. This can only be done one contact at a time. With my Nokia 8801, you have to select the contact, go to options, select "send business card", then select "via Bluetooth". Of course the Prius must be in transfer data mode. (I'm doing this from memory, but I think it's correct) The Motorola menu is a little different, but the basics are the same.
The owner's manual doesn't seem to list Bluetooth or Hands Free in the index, but there are many, many pages of setting it up starting on page 171.
I also used John's how to guide to pair my new RAZR with my 2005 Prius! It took all of five minutes. The RAZR(silver) is absolutely a perfect match for my Prius(also silver). Two peas in a perfect little pod. Thanks John, again, for your wonderful site!
Pls clarify about the pair contact list & verizon - I get my 2006 next week and I'll take this opportunity to upgrade my cell phone. Do I understand your email to mean that the LGVX9800 work handsfree via bluewtooth with verizon in the 2006 PRIUS?
Yes, but everytime you get in you have to change which phone it pairs with- in the telephone settings section- you have to not in motion to do this..
so this is what you need to do, i have the 06 prius and i have a RAZR from cingular. you first need to sync the two together, go to connection and then go to bluetooth, and then go to hansfree, and then it will start looking for a blue tooth connection, make sure that you have the car searching for the phone, its pretty easy once you do this, and the pass code will show up on the display. you can have it where you set your phone to automatically look for a blue tooth connection, so as soon as you get into you car, the phone will hook up to your bluetooth
quote=lowspeed,Feb 17 2006, 12:35 AM]So it can't pair with 2 phones at once ? <div align="right">[snapback]210974[/snapback]</div> [/quote] It will pair with more than one phone but you can only connect with one at a time. Info, Telephone, Settings, move down to Telephone Selection. http://www.ocprius.com/bluetooth.html Selecting which Bluetooth Phone-Pics://http://www.ocprius.com/bluetooth.ht...ooth Phone-Pics [attachmentid=12109][attachmentid=12110]
So i dont understand if my wife and I both enter the car at the same time it will randomly pick only one to connect with ?
The Prius will attempt to automatically reconnect with the phone that was last connected to it (as long as you have the auto connect enabled).