I am new owner of very nice 2007 Prius. Looking for the best GPS and maybe Sirius for classical music and CB Radio if anyone has these items for sale. It has 152,000 miles on it.Very well maintained but I would like to change the color from optimistic green to mysterious midnight blue. The Prius is for me only, not family. Any tips on how to take good care of it please advise. Thank you very much. Jeffrey
Welcome... Sirius and GPS huh? Have you added up how much the monthly subscription will be over the course of several years? A less expensive alternative would be to get personal wifi aka mifi, I think it's as low as $35 a month now and then get an inexpensive Nexus 7 tablet mounted on your dash for lots of internet similar to Sirius music/talk programs, as well as Google maps w/apps, which is the most accurate GPS in terms of regularly updating maps. Then you can also ditch your cell phone and make your phone calls for a penny a minute via wifi via Skype. If you need/don't want to ditch your cell phone because you want to save your phone number you can switch that over to Google Voice for a one-time fee for $20, you can also then configure Skype to represent you as that number. Thus you eliminate your Sirius fee, your cell phone fee, cost of buying expensive GPS and Sirius hardware and have a tablet to play with... Hope one or all of these ideas help...
helloooooooooooooooooo! just follow the maintenance guide and you'll be fine. change the tranny fluid if it hasnt been done yet. all the best!
I am wondering and others may be as well. Would the GPS reception on a tablet be reliable and 'global' enough with just the conventional WiFi subscription I am already using on my Mac? Seems a tablet relying on a WiFi signal would not be nearly as reliable as a Garmen or Tom Tom which is 'feeding' directly off GPS satellites. Thank you.
I just grabbed a couple links that will answer all the details for you, as well as some app options: Google Groups Transform your Nexus 7 into a car tech powerhouse | The Car Tech blog - CNET Reviews
Thank you very very much. Just reading through this as I work on production notes (I work in the film industry, hence screwing in a light bulb and plugging in a lamp are major technological milestones for me). Seems like you can download the region's maps prior to leaving and if you can access a Google signal on your voyage it will guide you like a GPS. But without them, sounds like you might be stranded in Prius Purgatory.