One of the idiot lights stayed on, couldn't find the meaning quickly, finally did though. It was the tire pressure light, so I went and bought a compressor, couldn't get it to work, returned it and got a different one. Must have let too much air out disconnecting, light still on. Tried again, light finally went off. The manual said if this light stays on, take to dealership. I thought no way, it's 2.5 hours away, glad it resolved. So a question, do you take the car to tire shop or dealership if something is wrong with a tire. Just curious.
Check tire pressure with $3 gauge, if low add air (at a local gas station). Reset light after tires are refilled. Owner's manual tells you how to do that. Good luck.
That tire pressure monitoring system is flaky. In our case, it just comes on in weather that is colder than -20 degrees celsius (-4 degrees fahreheit), whether the tires are properly inflated or not.
What he said. Fill tires to desired pressure and reset the pressure monitoring system as described in the owner's manual. Tire gauges can be had for less than $3, too. As for your tire question, if your car is new and under warranty I'd take it to the dealership. Since you're over two hours away, it's up to you where you take it. At least you wouldn't have to worry so much about the gas for the trip.
Big changes in outdoor ambient air temperature will definitely effect tire pressure. The rule of thumb is 1 psi for every 10 degree change. So if your tire pressure was @ 26 psi and the temp fell from 40 to 20 the light would have come on. Also if you haven't checked pressure in a while you may have a slow leak, nail, leaky valve stem, small seal leak etc. Best to just check every week or two to keep your tire at optimum pressure. I like to run 2 psi under tire stamp pressure, manufactures rating. I do this to prevent over pressure and maximize MPGs. I also use nitrogen, it has a better thermal change coefficient ( less effect from temperature changes) and is better for condensation, some say it also is better for the rubber.
I had already purchased a 2.99 gauge and a battery operated air compressor, hopefully it's resolved, our temp has come up, so I'll just keep any eye on it. Thanks so much for all the replies.