Looking for advice on leather color to install in Seaside Pearl 2006 Prius - Bisque or Dark Gray? Since I live in SW Florida - Fort Myers area I would assume the Bisque would not be as hot as dark gray in my environment. This will be installed by dealer Fort Myers Toyota. Any comments?
I have the seaside pearl with grey cloth. It really isnt a dark grey. I think the colors on the website are misleading, so I am not sure if the grey leather is as dark as you see on the website. I do think the grey will hide the dirt better. The grey is a nice contrast with the seaside pearl
I have grey leather on my Barcelona Red but I would have enjoyed grey with Seaside Pearl too. It also is easier to keep clean.
We have Bisque, and chose our color around it. Given that it's leather, cleaning is going to be easy no matter what you do. but I still think that the grey will not show dirt as much. BTW, I also find the leather seats seem more comfortable than the 2004 that I test drove last year with cloth. Dave
I have the Seaside Pearl 2006 Prius... And I love my bisque colored leather seats. We haven't had a hot season yet, but I'm anticipating it helping with the heat. I also think it adds some brightness to the inside.
I'm a sucker for the bisque as well and being leather it shouldn't be impossible to keep clean. that said I'm not keeping my current car that clean so we'll see how it works out...
I would go with the Bisque as well, given that Florida gets quite hot, and the lighter leather will be cooler, and the color contrast will look quite nice against the metallic blue. I am ordering a PKG4 Seaside and installing bisque leather aftermarket. Incidently, for those who have aftermarket leather (any color), did you go with perforated (like found on the PKG 8) or non-perforated leather, and why? Thanks!
Well, we are not getting leather at all. We live in San Diego and find leather uncomfortable. However, we just got to see the gray interior today and I like it a lot better than the bisque interior!!! The gray is not "dark", IMO, but rather a "medium". It seems like the "ideal" blend of darkness to hide dirt and lightness to avoid the intense heat in sunny climates. That said, our Seaside Pearl is due to arrive in 2 weeks and we did not specify an interior color. I hope it is the gray, but will accept the bisque without qualms.