Hey all.... So - I've got the weirdest problem. The window seals (black rubber at the bottom of each window) on my '07 Prius are melting. They're leaving melted black "goo" on my windows when I roll them down and back up. One of them actually deteriorated all the way and fell off. Granted, I live in AZ and it's been hotter than a Texas whore's crotch on dollar night, but I've lived here all my life and I've never seen anything like this. I'll post a photo when I get a minute. (by the way - my profile says '08 but my ex snagged that and I've got an '07 now) Anyone else ever have this problem or heard of it? Thanks!
haven't heard of it before. I'd imagine the polyurethane seals were made to withstand that amount of heat (as I recall most auto manufacturers test cars in all sorts of climate extremes) but it could be that your car just had either a bad batch from whoever made the seals, or improper mixture, etc. etc. Take it into the dealer imo.
I live in Phoenix and had the same problem with an 05 and an 07. The outer lower seal seems to deteriorate from the heat. I found an online place, Auto Parts - Parts.com, For Every Part of Your Life that shipped from a local warehouse and was $32.80 per door. That was about half what the dealer wanted. Fairly easy to change out. Here are the part numbers. 7572047010 Front door, Door and components, Belt w strip Left 7571047010 Front door, Door and components, Belt w strip Right 7574047010 Rear door, Door and components, Belt w strip Left 7573047010 Rear door, Door and components, Belt w strip Right
dollar night Hey did you ever put rubber conditioner on them? Mine are doing really good but they have seen alot of conditioning and garage. Pics please?
I have a 2008 that was bought in April 2008, so it is in its 4th summer here in Phoenix. My back driver-side door window just had this happen to it yesterday. I had never seen anything like it. I am shocked that it is an ongoing problem. I stopped by the dealer today and was told that it is a known problem that they melt. They want $75 each plus $57 labor to replace them. I am going to order the after market ones for each door with the hopes that they are made with a more heat resistant rubber. I plan on doing the work myself. Brian
I've just suffered the same problem. However, I was wondering if anyone can help me find the part number for the door run weatherstrip (not the piece that runs horizontally along the exterior and interior of the window - it's the piece that looks like a bike tire. The melting door panels (part 7572047010) must have caused a chain reaction, because when I lowered the window the whole weatherstripping flew out (see attached pic). Thanks!
Here is a link to the door parts diagram: 2007 TOYOTA PRIUS Parts - Champion ToyotaWorld Looks like item #9. Good luck!
Thanks so much 2009Prius - you nailed it. I really appreciate the help. I was at Goodyear yesterday getting an oil change, and the mechanic was actually nice enough to offer a quick fix. He trimmed the excess parts off and re-glued the remaining upper portion. Looks almost perfect to me. Only downside is wind noise, but honestly that is fine for the moment. I'd love to attempt putting in the new weatherstripping myself, but we'll see how confident I'm feeling next month haha
Can you please provide an updated link for the prius parts below? any advice on removing/replacing the window runs? thanks! Jim can you please pro
Update: I still have the 2007 and need to replace these again after replacing them in 2011. My car does spend most of the time outside in Phoenix. Numbers below are still valid except the cost went up to $38.92 each.