I just ordered a Yankee Candle Lavender Vanilla car scent so I'll see how I like that, but just wondering what you guys use and what you like to keep your car smelling good.
A bottle lasts a long time so I've just been using this for about 2 years now, have maybe another year left in it. Smells amazingly close to real leather. I spray a bit on a small piece of sponge and keep it under my drivers seat instead of just spraying it into the air. Interior Car Scent, 4 Ounces - Griot's Garage
I use Yankee candle leather. I use the the one that clips to the air vents. Looks like a clothespin. I don't use any thing else it is just perfect. Prior to thatbI used Black ice.
I have to ask the dealer of used cars When I purchased my three-years old GenIII the interior smelled quiet neutral and fresh and ... very very like a brand new car. I liked that so much, but after about three weeks that smell of new car has gone As far as I know in addition to the very careful cleaning prior to re-sell used cars the portable ozone generators are used to eliminate any unwanted smells.
No eating in the car except gum and hard candy. Few drinks in car. No smoking. All trash removed daily. No clothes or shoes kept in the car. I always keep the HVAC on fresh air. Car vacuumed and windows washed immediately after dog rides in car. Yes, I have a bit of an OCPD when it comes to my vehicles - hence my handle.
This is also my policy - for our dogs, smoking and eating we still keep our old van. Sometimes we even drive it Drinks (any kind) are also banned from my Prius (occassionally coffee only). In addition - when the car rests in garage I keep the driver's window half inch open to allow any moisture to evaporate easier. Anyhow - the "new car" smell has gone and I'm still curious how they do it. Hey! You Americans like abbreviations - what's the hell is OCPD?
No eating food in my car either - even on long trips. Trash picked up daily too. After over 2 years, it doesn't have a new car smell anymore, but there's no other odor either. Everyone comments on my car looking like new inside - it's just a matter of keeping it clean.
Avoid farting, smelly foods and drinks, keep it clean an use a decent air freshener, good ventilation doesn't go a miss either
Would you like to borrow my car for a few days? And don't get any bodily fluids on the upholstery or carpet.
Febreze makes a couple of different kinds of scents, where you clip the gizmo into the air duct. Or, you can have my problem: No sense of smell. Mike
Cleanliness is not an issue with me either. I regularly clean every square inch and it usually always looks like it just rolled off the lot. generally it just smells like nothing at all in the car and i'd like to find a good scent/product that makes it always smell as good as it looks.
They use Toyota genuine accessories for cleaning. On the other hand they may have something like "brand new toyota" spray. This is my own assumption but all Toyota dealerships smell the same so there must be something (except new cars) involved.
Damn it! Too late on the farting part for mine! No food, I never eat and drive but I ALWAYS need a drink with me. I smoke but not in my cars. Never liked the smell of a car that's been smoked in.
OCPD - I thought it was Obsessive Compulsive Prius Disorder....?.... Febreze sprayed on a little piece of cloth and tucked under a seat.
I've always heard that the new car smell is the residual fumes from the manufacturing process, glues, compounds etc....?
Correct, also called out-gassing. I typically LOVE new car smell but recently test drove a C-Max and it was so strong it had my eyes watering. Something in that interior didn't agree with me.