I haven't used the Map application lately.However, when I did, a few days ago, an update had been downloaded. When making a turn along a destination path, the beeps have gone away, replaced by a voice(like my 2010 Prius). Idon't think my wife and I are imagining this. Any hints?
how is updated downloaded if you are not connect to Entune/Toyota's server? Are you using premium HDD Nav or the Display Audio and Entune system?
My base radio now does OTA updates (thru the cell phone/Entune connection) with the 2.1 firmware update. I run the connection parked in my driveway so my iPhone will use the wi-fi connection from my house to update, instead of costly cell phone data. It updated the sports app the other day, for example.
pretty sure the beeps are only available on the Advanced model with the higher-priced navigation. similarly, i remember seeing that the Advanced model HDD nav would see OTA map updates, though I could never find that wording when someone asked me to show it here on PC.
Yes, still beeps in the AT. OTA Maps Update available but no PC person has done it yet. They just came out recently.