Tuesday we take the car in for the 10k oil change. Has anyone left the grille blocked during a dealer visit? I am thinking I should snatch the foam out of my grille before taking it in. What say ya'll? Dan
Dealers, like any insurance company are always looking for reasons not to pay on a claim. I wouldn't want to give them any reason to say the engine overheated because of your grill block and not a faulty water pump or whatever is wrong. Take the it off at least until the warranty period is over.
Even if the dealer isn't looking for an out, something a mechanic looks for in a trouble shooting process is anything unusual that might have caused the problem. It's unlikely that a mechanic is going to be aware of various mods and the effects they have or don't have on a car so a grill block will legitimately raise suspicions. Take it out before you go to the dealer and be sure you are monitoring important temperatures when you run a grill block
I think yall are right. Will pull it and put in back til I get out of there. 30 seconds to get it out and not much more to put it back. Thanks, Dan
Looking at your locations. I have spent a good amount of time in Fremont, next to Milpitas, and in Eureka, California. Great places to visit. Dan
I left my blocking in when I took Entu for his 5K checkup... no one said anything and the insulation was still in place when they returned the car to me.