When I set the radio to use only the rear speakers they are VERY quiet - to the point of being useless. When I took the car in for it's 5k service I had them check the speakers. They're telling me this is the way that it should work, because they checked a new Prius v and it worked the same way. I'm thinking that there is a problem that has manifested in more than one car. Has anyone else had this same problem, if so, was it fixed? Thanks.
People have changed them and or added amps. I have set my audio fade to about 2/3 back. It almost seems they are for bass since they are effectively muffled down low between the front and rear seats.
I've just bought a 2012 Prius and have the same issue with the rear speakers. I was going to do what you have done, go to the dealer and listen to another Prius. I wonder if replacing the speakers will fix he problem or do I need an amp as well. Maybe a subwoofer under the seat might help.
I did go listen to another one, it sounds exactly the same. Here's my guess on what's happening - emphasis on 'guess'. You know that some Prius' have 6 speaker systems. I believe that the wiring in the cars between the 4 and 6 speaker systems is identical (they are not going to make a change at the factory to run additional wires for the rear 2 speakers). I believe that in our 4 speakers systems they use front and middle speakers both as 'front', and the rear speakers aren't wired. We we fade to the back speakers, expecting the speakers in the rear doors to carry the sound, what we're actually doing is fading to the non-existent 3rd pair of speakers, which of course causes all sound to stop. I suspect that if we were to install a 3rd set of speakers in the factory locations, that we'd find them to be already wired and in use by the radio. Again, this is just a guess on my part (until I get a 3rd set of speakers...)
I could swear when we first got our v 14K miles ago, the rear speakers exhibited the same performance (too quiet even when maxing signal to them). From earlier research, I was already aware of the problem. More recently I used the speaker balance control to move all output to the rear speakers. Lo & behold, the rear speaker audio ramped up to 'normal' / satisfactory levels. The only change made since the car was new has been implementing the Entune update back in June (?) 2012. Could that update have solved the earlier problem? Count me happy right now.
Entune update? The only one *I* am familiar with is the Entune that runs on my phone (Android) which is up to date. Is there a way to update something in the car itself?
Its a problem that has been documented in multiple threads. Only way to fix it is to change out the speakers and I highly recommend you add an amplifier. See my thread titled "Completed Speaker Upgrade" in this forum. Good luck.
we just bought a 2012 and only have speakers in the dashboard and it sounds awful. 36000 dollars for a car with horrible sound.
"veni" has posted a number of "complaints" as a new owner and I have a very strong feeling that you have not bothered to read the owner's manual at all. The 'v' has a minimum of 6 speakers for the audio system in all models, from the two to the five, with the option of an 8 speaker system with the JBL system. Read the manual to learn how to use your fantastic vehicle.
Just curious if anyone knows whether the "Prius V Five-non ATP" model has a separate amplifier. A Toyota rep said that it did, but I suspect it may not be true given the mediocre sound, especially from the rear speakers.
No problem with the rear speakers in a V Five.....just crank the rear speakers to the next to last fade blip, increase the volume a bit and the sound is perfectly balanced front and rear......with HD stations it is incredible. I have no idea why you have to make this illogical adjustment.....but it works perfectly.
New owner with mine and I noticed that also being the rear speakers are low but every time I fade to near rear and then exit the car and come back it is set back to center is there a save button or something?
The Prius remembers the last sound setting for each input (radio, XM, ...) so if you change the input, you could see the sound setting reset back to default for the new audio input setting.
Old thread but just a FYI, my new '16 package 2 is the same. About 20% volume in the rear compaired to the front. I takes 3/4 fade to the rear for ok balance. All in all, it's still a lot better than what my '13 Outback premium had. I can actually understand the what's on the radio.
I just purchased a new to me 2012 Prius V and yes the back speakers act as if they're not getting adequate power. I looked up Prius V speakers and I learned that the front speakers are 6x9. When I was younger if you had a car often you'd go get aftermarket speakers and an Alpine and all you basically needed was 6x9 speakers. That was enough sound to make your ears ring and I have learned on a trip to Shreveport that yes even without the rear speakers my ears will indeed ring. I live by the motto never let perfection get in the way of good enough . So far this motto has served me well. Sure you want to keep your tires at the perfect inflation, you want to be on time with your oil changes, but if it's got a scratch or a dent ; so what.