I am looking to put the Prius 5 17" OEM wheels on my 2010' and I am checking to see if you think I can put 10mm or 12mm spacers just on the rears? Would this make the front & rear offset too wanky? The fronts are pretty flush but the rears clearly are not. Any info or suggestions will be appreciated.
Many put spacers on only the rears for the very reason you mentioned. FYI, it's the Prius 5 now, not the V. Ppl tend to get confused with the Prius v.
I had 5mm. spacers in the rear w/my 17" aftermarket wheels. I have since taken it off since I'm not as concerned w/ the flush look.
Hello Sir, Do you need to use extended length lug nuts? Is the screw long enough to accepr the 5mm extension? Thanks.