Outrageous deal... 26570... After tax rebate, basically around 24k for Seaglass Blue PIP with 4 miles on it! Could not believe this deal. Lower price than used models with thousands of miles on them. I was attempting hypermile driving on my 2009 touring, and the new model makes it so easy... got 62 mpg just driving back from Whole Foods (8 miles) using EV mode and watching the screen. It's about 16 degrees out, and in the 2009 I would have gotten about 34 MPG with the same light touch on the pedal. So far I'm interested in the following mods: Replace air filter, replace oil filter, upgrade spark plugs, install fog lights. I'm really interested in Exhaust and Cold air intake, but I'm taking my time researching, because I never want to lessen the mileage of the ride. The other "mod" I've been trying out is adding a little Tc-W3 oil (1 oz/5 gal). Any other performance mods/advice out there for the 2012 model? Thanks, VERY HAPPY with the new car, it rocks!
Congrats but don't waste a penny on ANY of the "mods" you mentioned, except the fog lights. Seriously leave it alone
Hmmm, not sure I would do any of the mods except for the fog lights. Why would you use Tc-W3 oil? BTW, congrats on your new PIP!
No offense dude, but don't assume you know better than the Toyota engineers that have been developing the Prius for over a decade. Just drive it and enjoy it
ITA, after the foglights do practical things like the FIAMM horn upgrade, disable reverse beeping, etc.
Good points. TC-W3 has a detergent effect on the fuel injectors etc. I'm in no rush. Mostly just thinking. Love the car. TC-W3 as a fuel treatment | PriusChat
Question does that apply for those Boeing engineers too and the dreamliner fire...??Nothin ventured nothin lost
These mods are do able. First mod I did is swap out all the incandescent bulbs in vehicle for LED , superbright LED website is where I purchase all of my LED(you find on ebay too,plus you may need a flasher relay specific for LED. The other mod is more for winter driving and that would be a modified grille block and engine block heater(toyota only)
Congrats Crispy! I'd think twice about putting 2-stroke outboard oil in your gas... it may damage the catalytic converter and rings, valves, etc... Back in the day (mid 80's) when I worked in an Johnson Outboard dealership- we sometimes used (free to us mechanics) leftover 50:1 gas in our cars. One mechanic with a brand new Ford F150 pickup clogged his converter after just 20k miles. Although we had no real proof- we concluded that it was due to burning 2-stroke oil with his gas. After an $800 (out of warranty) bill for a replacement converter- he never ran 2-stroke oil in his gas again. Anyone with a 2-stroke outboard can tell you what their plugs look like after just one season of running with gas/oil mix. In outboards, burning oil with the gas also builds carbon deposits on the heads and rings. Ring failure due to carbon deposits is a major source of blown engines in 2-stroke outboards. I can't see any positive result of burning 2-stroke oil in the finely tuned Prius engine, but can think of many reasons not to do it...
Does Techron remove carbon buildup- or is for fuel system components before ignition? We use engine cleaner/decarbonizer specifically designed for 2-stroke applications where carbon buildup results from burning oil mixed with the gas.. # 775629 Carbon Guard OMC 12 oz.