Just replaced the driver's side headlight (halogen) in our 2008 Prius. This is the 3rd time on the driver's side, and the passenger's side has gone out previously 2 or 3 times as well. Anyone else having this frequency of headlight failure? Each time it appears that the bulb filament has simply blown open as shown below, so maybe I'm just having bad luck with these cheap Sylvania bulbs from the local Kragens. On the bright side I have gotten a lot of practice replacing these infernal bulbs. I can do the driver's side in under 15 minutes. Here's a tip: install the plug into the rubber collar before attempting to connect the bulb, and then screw the collar back on last.
Life of a headlight bulb varies from bulb to bulb. It seems that the brighter ones tend to have a shorter life in hours. You might try a different brand of bulb since the Sylvania's don't seem to be holding up for you. Ron
If you use the so called brighter whiter bulbs there life is very much shorter than a standard bulb, because the filament runs at a higher temperature to give out the extra light. Do you use the lights during the day as DRL's if so this will also shorten there life, as will rough roads. If you divide your total millage when using your lights as DRL's by about 25 this will give an approximation of how many hours the lights have been on.
What kind Sylvania bulb did you buy from Kragens? Something like silverstar ultras will get less life than an oem bulb.
Previously I used these bulbs: Amazon.com: Sylvania 9003/HB2/H4 SU SilverStar Ultra Halogen Headlight Bulb (Low/High Beam), (Pack of 2): Automotive
I have used that same bulb in another vehicle. They did burn bright, but did not last a long time. You might consider trying the OEM bulbs. You can order them here. 2008 TOYOTA PRIUS Parts - Champion ToyotaWorld Ron
You are not the only one having this problem. I've noticed over the past 2 or 3 years that I am going through bulbs much more rapidly. Same symptoms you describe. I wonder if there is another component in the electrical system which is breaking down with age. Or if it is just the cheap bulbs I've been using. Like you I'm becoming pretty adept at replacing bulbs :-P
I had my 08 Prius for 4 1/2 years and never had a light bulb burn out. Ditto what the other people are saying, use an OEM bulb. No need for any special web link to buy these, just stop by your local dealer.
My OEM bulbs lasted upto the mid 50,000 miles stage! I often had to work nights in the taxi job and also run headlights when in fog or rain (it rains a lot here). I was amazed at how long the bulbs lasted. Going back to those brighter bulbs you refered to. What was the quote from Blade Runner? "A light that burns twice as bright, burns half as long".