No hybrid version but this car is so beautiful. Of course, I'd have to win the lottery to buy one. Still, a bit of a bright spot in the Ford doom and gloom.
i still like this one better. if i ever had the money to blow, i would hunt one down asap. but not the new VW ones... [Broken External Image]: 1995(?) Bugatti EB 110 SS i kinda like the earlier gt's better, around 1992.
It's funny, I used to really love sports car but after driving the Prius and reading this and other sites gasoline engines feels so old. I think the shape is sexy but the technology so last century
When I went to pick up my Prius in November, the dealership had just received a GT40 in exactly that color. All the salesmen were drooling over it. My salesman told me that it's basically a bidding war between clients to see who gets it, with bids coming from all around the country. It is a beautiful car and the shocking thing is its height -- the roof only reaches about waist high! Definitely not a hybrid version though --they don't even list the MPG on the sticker. If you have to ask the MPG, you can't afford the car, I suppose Dave
There's an idea. Get little jackass penguins and make them look like a hit squad that had tracked down the dufus who stole Torgo or whatever his name was :lol: Actually, I was thinking of extracting the flames and using them images but I'm not tipping my hand
For whatever reason, the local Ford dealership near where I work has one in their showroom. It's strange because it's a really small dealership tucked away in a small lot within a not so great part of town, with a crappy selection of Fords. I walked in there about a month ago when I had my "truck urge" again, and there it was... I was like (in my best Keanu Reeves voice) "whoa!". Seeing it in person, there were two main observations I made: 1. How seriously "low" it is. I'm 6', and I swear, the roof is barely above my waist. 2. The weird switches on a flat portion of the dash. You know, those big-nice person aircraft-cockpit ones that stand out kind of like if someone had stuck a pen in the dash... It was high tech, yet retro...
"the shocking thing is its height -- the roof only reaches about waist high! " A story I've heard (but haven't seen confirmation) is that the "40" in "GT-40" was chosen because that is the height of the car in inches.