Tank miles: 353 Overall Miles: 353 Avg Tank Mileage: 41.6 MPG Avg Overall Mileage: 41.6 MPG Avg Temperature: 80s, for the most part Price per Tank: $21 for 9 gallons Avg Price per Gallon: $2.33 As you can tell, this was my first tank. Mileage wasn't that impressive compared to what other people have gotten. (Although the A/C has been on non-stop while driving since day one.) I had to fill up with two bars left on the gas gauge because I wasn't sure when I would be able to find a gas station again. The current tank is getting 48 MPG after driving 200 miles. Hopefully that will continue, if not improve...
Tank miles: 356 Overall Miles: 67845 Avg Tank Mileage: 15.1 MPG Avg Overall Mileage: 16 MPG Avg Temperature: 80s, for the most part Price per Tank: $$40 for 23 Gallons Avg Price per Gallon: $1.87 (1997 Ford F150)
Everyone says the tanks get better the more you drive. The car is "broken in" and you'll be watching the consumption screen like a crack fiend trying to get the mpg up.
Tank miles: 378 Overall Miles: 152,781 Avg Tank Mileage: 43.4 MPG Avg Overall Mileage: 40ish MPG Avg Temperature: 60s Price per Tank: 2.039 for 8.7 Gallons Fillup Cost: $17.75 1995 Saturn SL1 This may be my last fillup for this car, I got my Prius' VIN today.
The consumption screen is both addictive and highly competitive. Last night I woke up a sleeping passenger to gloat about getting 99.9 MPG for fifteen solid minutes... while driving down a mountainous highway.
As posted in "I Beat the EPA" thread: Tank miles: 571 (30.0 over last bar blinking) Overall Miles: 5986 Avg Tank Mileage: 55.0 MPG Avg Overall Mileage: 50.7 MPG Avg Temperature: 70s Price per Tank: 2.029 for 10.581 Gallons -m.
2nd refill at 1 bar flashing/beep - full tank tank kms = 913 overall kms = 1801 cost = $42.36 Au rate = 98.9c Au litres = 42.83 calculated average = 4.69L/100km displayed average = 4.7 city/freeway driving, max 100kph temp. low 20's © happy so far - will try country running soon (max 110kph) kenmac
Tank miles: 500 Overall Miles: 853 Avg Tank Mileage: 47.5 MPG Avg Overall Mileage: 45 MPG Avg Temperature: 70s to 80s Price per Tank: $25.31 for 10.5 gallons Avg Price per Gallon: $2.39
First fillup! 5/7 to 5/21/04 Tank miles: 343 Overall Miles: 350 Avg Tank Mileage: 46.7 Avg Overall Mileage: 46.7 Avg Temperature: 70 Price per Tank: * Avg Price per Gallon: $2.319 * We could not wait until the tank was nearly empty due to a pending trip. MFD displayed average 41.3 MPG
Tank miles: 363 (1 bar, but not flashing) Overall Miles: 3337 Avg Tank Mileage: 47.7 MPG Avg Overall Mileage: 48 MPG Avg Temperature: 70s to 80s Price per Tank: $17.36 for 7.6 gallons Avg Price per Gallon: $2.28
Tank 5 Tank miles: 285 (fill up b4 big trip) Overall Miles: 1942 Tank Mileage: 54.3 Avg Overall Mileage: 48.3 Avg Temperature: mid 60s? Price per Gallon: 1.999 Displayed milage 50.7 <Comic Book Guy> Best... Tank... Ever! </CBG> do not know what I did different, the car is more broke in and its a bit warmer. Brian
Tank Miles: 503 Overall Miles: 946 Avg. Overall Miles (Calculated): 50.1 mpg Avg. Overall Miles (Displayed): 49.3 mpg Avg. Temperature: 55 Fill-up Tank Amount: 10.05 gallons Price per Gallon: $2.159 (WI) I went 31 miles after Fuel Gauge "E" started to flash. I love this car! Thinking about trading my BMW M3 for another one.
Needing to use the truck more, along with riding the motorcycles this month have definitely reduced my normal month mileage. Only four tanks of fuel were purchased this month for the Prius. Last night marks what should be my last tank of fuel purchased for the month of May, so here goes: Tank Miles: 2,154.8 miles Overall miles: Approximately 21,000 Overall miles calculated: 50.8mpg Overall miles displayed: 53.8 mpg (figure averaged over 4 tanks) Temps have been consistenly in the mid to upper 80's all month.
Tank miles: 555 Overall Miles: 2133 Avg Tank Mileage: 52.61 MPG Avg Overall Mileage: 47.05 MPG Avg Temperature: 80s, for the most part Price per Tank: $20.26 for 10.55 gallons Avg Price per Gallon: $1.92 The gauge showed 1 bar, not flashing. The mileage was a combination city/hwy.
Is there some screen which tracks "lifetime" gas average, or is it just the tank? Is everyone keeping spreadsheets on their lifetime, or is it hidden somewhere. If so, can someone please tell me where it is. Thanks, Also, one other quick question, I have an options for screen brightness for day and night time, where do you enter the time?? Thanks,
Nope, just the Tank Excel is your friend Day is when the Dimmer Wheel to the lower left of the steering wheel is locked 'on'. Night is when it's not. It's a manual operation, but you can use the ambient outside brightness for guidance on when to activate it.
May Mileage Date - 5/6/2004 Tank Miles - 434.4 Overall Miles - 3244 Gallons - 9.219 Cost/Gal - $1.939 Cost - $17.88 Displayed MPG - 54.7 Calculated MPG - 47.12 Lifetime MPG - 49.07 Notes: Faulty Fillup - Pump never shut off, when I stopped it tank was full to the brim. No idea how much fuel the pump sucked back in before I stopped it. Date - 5/18/2004 Tank Miles - 522.2 Overall Miles - 3766 Gallons - 8.574 Cost/Gal - $2.099 Cost - $18.00 Displayed MPG - 55.7 Calculated MPG - 60.91 Lifetime MPG - 50.42 Notes: Commuting plus one trip to West Virginia and Back (Mainly Highway 65 MPH) Date - 5/18/2004 Tank Miles - 492.4 Overall Miles - 4259 Gallons - 8.003 Cost/Gal - $1.999 Cost - $16.00 Displayed MPG - 59.2 Calculated MPG - 61.53 Lifetime MPG - 51.51 Notes: Commuting plus one trip to West Virginia and Back (Mainly Highway 65 MPH) - Filled prematurely in WV because of Cheap Gas May Totals Tank Miles - 1449 Gallons - 25.796 Cost - $51.88 Cost/Mile - $.0358 Displayed MPG - 56.53 Calculated MPG - 56.17 Lifetime MPG - 51.51 Currently sitting in the Driveway after trip back from WV with Screen Mileage at 59.5 MPG
First tank. Gauge showed "full" upon delivery (no idea how "full"). Fill-up with 1 bar displayed (not flashing): Tank Miles: 463 Gallons: 8.132 (click-off) Cost/Gal: $2.099 Total Cost: $17.07 Displayed MPG: 52.0 Avg Temp: 65
driving by the Chevron and noticed that there was a gas war going on and the price cut was 9cent's a liter lower than yesterday so gased it up, put in all I could and it took 17.60 liters total cost $16.00 and I had driven a mix of urban surbaban and had done 392Km. So crunching the numbers it looks like this 4.48979Liters per 100Km's 62.916MPG Imperial 52.388MPG US total mileage on the car is 2890KM temp was 18C and the indicated on the MFD was 5.2 L per 100K I knew that the mileage was getting pretty good as it had just dropped to 1/2 tank