Well, I got a call at 11 am this morning and sure enough, I finally picked up my silver pine mice 2006 #8 prius. I was trying to post earlier, but the board was down methinks... I was even late picking it up just pinging the site... a little late for me to post pics today, but here's a teaser [Broken External Image]:http://davedavedave.net:8080/pics/IMAGE_00117.jpg Dave
The dreaming has just started. Soon you will be dreaming up new places to go to just so you can drive the car more.....
I don't think it was - I think my cheesy cell phone camera did that touchup all by itself... I really wish I had taken that picture 100 feet eariler when the tacho was still at "1" woot woot! Dave
I think you mean odometer. There is no tachometer. In case you haven't already noticed, we here at PriusChat are sticklers for accuracy. Anyways, more importantly, congratulations and happy hybrid driving!
It was late last night, so I didn't post too many details. I took delivery of the 06 #8 Silver Pine Mica yesterday afternoon, and I have to start with praise for the dealer, Alexandria Toyota and Rob http://www.toyotarob.com . Rob's a real straight up guy, and back in November '05 when I put my deposit down, the only talk of price we had was just when I handed him my credit card: "Oh yeah, that's at MSRP, right?" I asked, prepared for snakey car dealer talk... "Of course", with a smile. I didn't get a break on any "tangibles", but I did get such a great loan from Toyota Financial services - that I wound up haggling a little and got a deal on prepaid maintenance and the platinum extended warrantee. I *did* use the matching technique to haggle, but held my sources of the price, and of course, my dealer does want to me hold back exactly what kind of deal I got - just to send people their way. As for the dealer service, I expect it to be pretty sweet - check out their facility: http://www.alexandriatoyota.com/displayCon...p?keywords=tour Not the best quality video, but I like the way I can book online, they have LOTS of bays and that they provide loaner cars. Anyway, as for the car itself, so far I'm very happy. I guess we put 45 miles on it yesterday, combination city and highway, all on hilly roads. We averaged 41mpg in 43 to 36 degree weather, which I figure is alright for uninitiated. I love the mp3 cd player - I made 2 mix CDs of about 200 songs each, one for my girlfriend, and one for me - although we like a lot of the same stuff. She really appreciated that though, as we'll be alternating use of the car and that makes her feel like she has more "stock" in it. I haven't really used the NAV yet as I didn't really go anywhere in particular yesterday, but it seems WAY cooler that the neverlost stuff in the Hertz rentals I've used. I also checked to make sure the front spoiler panel was in place, which it was. Ok, driving time... Dave
I thought the area in the picture looked familiar....and then I saw your location. It's where I took my first test drifve. Congrats! Still dreamin....
Hey... HokieHybrid - I just noticed last night that there's a wifi access point called "GoHokies" somewhere within range of my house (I was on a powerbook in my prius in the driveway) - we're not neighbours, are we? Dave