If you have several numbers for the same person in the address book, how do you set a voice tag for each number ie work, cell etc. I tried it & it showed both entries but only seemed to take 1 tag. Do I need separate address entries rather than 1 name w/ several #'s? Hope I made sense! Thanks for your help. Bob
I could not figure that out either, just made two entries, one for cell one for home #. each with its own voice tag. Don't have that many ##'s in phone so it worked for me.
I don't think the address book in the Prius is very sophisticated. If you have multiple numbers for one name, it will pick the first name listed in your address book. You need to enter the numbers with different names.
Or maybe you could merely say a different tag for each. Like: For address book item #1 say "Jim Smith Home" and For Address book item #2 say "Jim Smith cell" Then it might make the match that way. I haven't tried it but it sounds like the logic should work that way with this voice recognition system. Why? Because it is trying to match the actual spoken word to the item being searched for. When I need it, that is how I will try it. Would love to hear if that works. Cheers
GRRRR i discovered today that you cant do voice dialing by name while driving! i have package 6; maybe this is different when you have NAV, since you can issue a voice command just by pressing the speech button anytime. but on package 6, i found that i had to be in the phone book before pushing the speech button would let me do dial by name. but like lots of things, the phone book button is greyed out while moving. does anyone know a way around this? thanks
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Yes, you can do voice dialing while car is moving BUT the name must be recorded by you AHEAD OF TIME. That way the voice recognition system can recognize it. You must, however, say "Dial by name" prior to saying the persons name. It's in the manual there somewhere. My manual is the car and I'm recovering from knee surgery or else I would have found it for you.
yes, i have made voice-dial tags for a few of my contacts. i think what you are saying is true, if you have NAV. but package 6 does not have NAV, just bluetooth. i dont think voice dialing was even in the manual; i found it by experimentation. if you press the phone button and then press the speech button, it asks you to speak a number. i found that if you pressed phone, then on the MFD entered the phone book, then pressed the speech button, you can dial by tag. but when the car is rolling, the phone book button is greyed out!! i think the bluetooth without NAV was kind of an afterthought for toyota.
I need help with this. I have the '05 with NAV. Whenever I try to do anything related to the voice recognition for the phone, I get the response "This option is only available with the Maps screen". How do I set up voice dialing and then use it?
replying to myself here... DUH. sorry. it looks like it does work. if you press phone and then speech, it asks you to speak a command. it will accept the "dial by name" command at this point. i only tried this while driving; the behavior might be different when the car is stopped. it might be that the first time i tried this, i didnt have any voice tags programmed, so the computer just (correctly) offered me only the option to dial by speaking a number.