So, I ended my this tank of gas with 47.5 MPG (just a tenth or so short of my last tank)... I was up in Reading, PA -- lots of mountains and the car handled great. I got almost 490 miles on that single tank; it was down to one bar on the fuel gauge, but I didn't want to wait for it to start flashing to fill up. I dropped $24 for 10.1 gallons, so I probably could've made the 500 mile mark. Some day! So, I filled up in Reading and, later that evening, started on my way home... about a 70 mile drive or so, granted I was really driving conservatively, but this is the best start for a tank for me: <center>[Broken External Image]:</center> The variance is still pretty shifty -- It was at 56.4 about 3 minutes from home (mostly uphill from where I was), but I'm hoping I can keep *something* resembling this for the whole tank...
So glad you have a picture - because I have been trying to figure out how to read the screen. The bottom scale goes 0 - 30 right to left and says "min" - so I assume it is measuring the first 30 minutes of travel in 5 minute intervals? What is the scale that goes bottom to top measure? I understand that each little car is a measurement of recovery of electric power, but, what does it mean when the background is highlighted? Sometimes I get a highlighted background with no little cars. The explanation is probably very simple - but I have yet to figure out what this screen is trying to tell me. Springtime
Wynder, you continue to confuse me on this point. Are you saying that you are bothered when the "average" changes? And saying that early on it changes too much is borderline crazy or obsessive. That average will vary greatly - and mine always does - for the first hundred miles or so. Shoot, I usually fill up about 50 minutes into a 55 minute commute home. After the fill-up, I stealth about half the way home and arrive with a 2-mile average in the 80s. But first thing the next morning, it's back down in the 40s where it will stay for quite some time. Dude, seriously, stop obsessing over that initial average number. It's not healthy!
Yep -- it tracks in five minute increments -- the yellow bar that goes up it how well your mileage was for that increment.. Like, for the 5-10 minute increment, I was going around 57 MPG or so. For 15-20 minute range, that was around 71 or so. When you get the highlighted background with no cars, that means that your foot was on the gas or you were gliding most of the time and no regenerative braking took place.
Re-Read it... I said it was SHIFTY... not SHITTY. I know it varies quite a bit when the tank is reset, I was simply indicating that the mielage was slightly higher *just* before I pulled it. With averages, it's statiscally better to keep a higher average up than it is to pull a lower average up.
Wynder, Thanks - now I get it! A very clear explanation. Don't think I would have firgured it out without your help. Springtime
Ha haha. I read it correctly the first time. Okay, maybe the second. I was just concerned that you were being obsessive or worrying too much about it. And you're right, once the MPG drops down, you have to work like Hell to get it back up. Which is why I don't let my drive drive Priapus during the second half of the tank.