I was shocked by the following experience I had at my dealer: My 2007 Prius is in for service (for many days). I had forgotten to take some things I needed out so I went back. The service rep took me to my car, which was parked in their back lot - should be somewhat secure but who knows. All the cars there had a lockbox on the back window with the car key inside. (you guys see where this is going?) I pointed out to the service rep how ridiculous it was to leave a smartkey fob attached to the car's own window since that means anyone could open the car! To demonstrate, I opened my front door while the fob was in the lockbox. She was like, wow! I was floored that she and apparently the dealership did not realize this. To further demonstrate, on the way out I saw another Prius and tugged on the front door and sure enough, beep-beep and door opens. I'm not sure how many Toyota's besides the Prius have the smart key system. But there are plenty of Priuses out here in CA. I simply cannot believe the dealership overlooked this. It seems like a huge security problem. Anyone else experience this before?
If you happen to go on a lot that is owned by CarMax, they too have those same lock boxes. I too figured out that the lock boxes do allow the SKS system to work which in turn would allow anyone to walk up to the car, unlock it and drive off even though the key is in the lock box. As long as the system acknowledges the keyfob, the Prius will allow you to open to the door, and push the start button. It goes to show that not everyone is educated when it comes to keyfobs and how they work with today's cars. There is a old saying. Locks are meant to keep honest people honest. Even the best lock won't stop every crook. Ron
Although the door may unlock with a fob in the lockbox, the car may not start unless the fob is detected inside the vehicle. Only way to know for sure is to check it out the next time you're at the dealer.
CarMax has the same lockboxes on all their cars standing in the lots. They are smart enough to put the smart key fobs in a "special" wrapper inside those lock boxes to prevent such accidental usage. I've seen these special wrappers and asked one of the salesman and he demonstrated it to me last year while I was looking for a car
Evidently they must have gotten educated. A year or so ago they did not have those special wrappers. I know as I showed a CarMax saleman how I opened up a Prius with no problem. The keyfob was in the lock box. This was right before we bought the Prius we now have. We were looking for Prius then, and was on the lot looking at one they had. Ron
When I bought my PiP in Baltimore, the dealer used lock boxes on all the new cars on their back lot. I didn't see any wrapper as the sales person got the key fob out of the box, and then opened and started the car. Would the car have opened and or started, I don't know. The goods news is the cars were in a fenced and locked parking lot.
If the SKS system is disabled (just press a button under the steering wheel) then this is a non-issue. Sounds like someone forgot to disable the SKS system.
Interesting. I just performed 4 tests with the key fob on that track on the roof in 3 locations and then in my pocket. While the doors would open, the car only starts with the fob in pocket. Well, stuff can still be stolen from the car even if not the car itself.