Just finished christmas chores. Now time to ponder the important things in life(panoramic moonroof on prius v -5). Looked up at warning info on decal on moonroof. It said use no harsh brushes or wax on resin moonroof plus other warnings not to do. Dealer said use do it yourself car washes and hand wipe. Now, I live in minnesota and washing this by hand is not in my job description. I need guidance-thanks.
Got a self serve car wash near you that allows you to just use a wand with no brushes involved? I remember using those in northern Indiana where we got the winds off the lake and lots of snow, ice and cinders. I just did that till it got warm enough to use soap and towels. Heck, it was just going to get dirty the minute I left the car wash so my aim was the 90% of the dirt, I didn't wipe the darn thing down as I do when it is warm...heck now I have a stack of old towels (some date back 40 years) I dry the whole thing off with. Sure is a big car and takes time compared to my Boxster.
Depending on your locale look for a self serve wand wash or touch free automatic car wash as others have said. I noticed on a recent trip out to vancouver where real estate is at a premium I could not find any self serve wash bays, only drive through automatics. Out here in the prairies you can find big self serve wash bays on every corner. Personally I would stay away from the automatic brush washes, just use high pressure water to rinse the dust off and wipe dry with a towel if you feel like it. Heck, I don't even use soap anymore when I wash the v, just high pressure rinse with water, especially in winter it's just going to be filthy again by the time I get home, I usually wash it every day when they sand/salt the roads.
Thanks to all 3 for your feedback. Dealer had a dinner for recent new purchase car buyers. They feed us,sales manager and service manager spoke. High light was to go to the service bays where cars were displayed along with mechanics to answer questions. There answers were similar to yours. Anyway , a lot of great features on the prius v.