~16.56VDC x 14 = 231.84 VDC. This isn't such a high voltage. Most likely my car was idling and was charging the traction battery. If you think this is high, try monitoring your battery during a decent on a hill with ~80 amps being shoved into your battery.
The small screen, as in this readout can be viewed on the MFD? Now that would be really cool. My son was wondering why no one had come up with a hack to display these kinds of readouts on the MFD. Oops, I see now. You mean your small SG type of small screen.
There's no limitation to the size of the screen. If you want to mount a 15 inch screen in your car that displays SOC, battery temp, etc, that can certainly be accommodated. There comes a point where a larger screen is less beneficial. Sometimes bigger isn't always better.
I am interested in monitoring my high voltage battery individual module voltages. What would be the best way to do this and what would it cost? Could an android phone that I already have be used as a display? Could it be set up to be easily moved from my 2005 prius to my 2012 prius? Thanks, John
I see the torque pro for $4.95. So, if I get this and the Elm 327 will I be able to display HV module voltages on my Motorolla Milestone android phone? Would it be easier to get an OBDII to laptop cable? Has anybody done this? What did you use and how did it work to read the HV battery voltages. John
One area the SG falls short (with the v4 firmware, anyway) is battery current -- it is way too slow. With a PHEV conversion, battery current is a important parameter to have real-time data for. Some sort of pseudo-analog display like pEEf was planning on doing would be great. Otherwise I love what you have there already. I love the idea of having control of the HV fan whether the car is on or not. I also liked the idea of having an engine temp spoofer that would also tell you the real engine temp. I would also like a spoofer where I can adjust the threshold temps (when it turns on, mostly).... I love the OLED display, too -- lots of information, but not overwhelming. I'm not installing a big touchscreen (like CANview or Priidash needs) in my car -- my wife would kill me. Are you getting close to the point where you are willing to sell something?
Yes, I'm ready now. Everything I make (for the Prius or otherwise) is custom made. That means I have to order parts and put it together. Like I said, I keep trying to add new things. My newest idea is to add a hack for the headlights. My leveling potentiometer is broken and I refuse to pay more than $100 for one. It would be great if this can be incorporated into my device. Anyhow, I like requests that are difficult because I like a challenge. That's not to say every request can be accomodated, but I'll give it my best shot. Personally, I enjoy designing electronic devices and this gives me a chance to expand my knowledge. If you're serious about ordering a unit, let me know what you would like it to do and I'll see if I can make it work.
Peef OP I see you are on this forum again. I am curious on this thread if you are still doing anything with OBD2/CANbus? I know the arm cortex embeds have CAN parameters built on some the boards. The PID libary by mfg are dissimilar just as the mfgs like scangauge which creates more misunderstanding.
It's been almost 2 years since he said he was "getting ready to go into production"; I guess this "alternative" can be officially considered "vaporware". Too bad.
The OP has revisited this forum however on other threads he also stated to PM about some of his threads.......... Would be nice to have alternative to scanguage(even enhanced) to the basic OBD/OBD2/ELM/CANBUS etc world but without standardize PID and Toyota proprietary a good working alternate/choice is not out there .............
I think the good alternative to scangauge is a Android Torque application. It is working on variety of Android mobiles starting the Android 2.2 + you need OBD bluetooth interface. I didn't have a good experience with chinese ELM327 production, so I purchased the Andy's interface based on STM1110 chip - STN1110 Bluetooth OBD-II Adapter | AH Design. There is a Prius specific Torque setup file to allow the monitor of Prius codes. For the $95 resp. $105 you have a very good, full GUI solution.
I looked this over and I will pass and hang on to my scangauge. The 90 us dollar price tag plus DIY and assemble with no screen is not prime time for me and he is not listing on Ebay either.
I have cracked open my scangauge2 and peered in or took a look. FYI contains a microchip pic18f4520 mounted on pcb ,4pin header ,10.000H1 oscillator clock, can, PIC18F4520