Hi Victor, As far as I know the Oz Prius is the same specs as Euro model and doesn't have the bladder. There is a full comparison specs sheet somewhere but can't remember where at the moment. Regards, kenmac
Victor, Found the list. I was wrong - the Eu has it but not UK according to the list. List attached. kenmac
Hi Kenmac, Thanks for the reply. I was hoping there would be no bladder. Am I blind or is the attachment missing? Can you point me to where I can download it? Many thanks Victor Probably ordering a light blue or mucky green Prius tomorrow and starting a 10 month wait
if you are willing to drive a little when you get the car, you might be able to cut your wait time significantly by looking for a rural dealer with a shorter wait list. dealers here on long island told me over a year, but it looks like i will have my car after 2 months from a dealer in WV. (shouldn't talk too soon, i don't have it yet, but i'm #1 on the list at the moment and would have had one last week if the guy ahead of me wasn't so desperate that he took a color he did not want)
Ive asked most of the dealers around here. There is only 1 Prius for sale, a silver Executive version (simial to package 9 I think) but without the navi. Its an ex demonstrator, 6 months old and they want full list price. Installation of the navi is not possible. I will just hope my dealer order goes through quicker.
Lucky you. From all reports that is the worst flaw of the US car. But I am curious about the seat heaters. Do you have a photo showing the switches? That sounds like a set of parts that one might arrange to have shipped to the US (unlike the bladder-free tank - sigh). There are aftermarket leather seats and seat-heaters here, but it'd be nice to use Toyota's switches.
Well, we placed our order today. The Executive version in Jade Green Now just waiting....10 months to go...