Very limited choices I like my current boss but would not go as far as saying he is my best boss ever.
The wife joke was already taken and I assume the higher deity thing has been taken. I do drive a Prius every day. I'll be on the lookout for someone to dislike.
Boss is an uber-conservative (capital R) Republican who hates hybrid vehicles and gays because Fox News tells her to. Unfortunately for her, I bring both of those to work everyday. I had come down with the norovirus yesterday and she said if I didnt come into work today I'd be fired. I havent used a sick day since 2007 so there was no explicable reason for that I could figure out. She treats my co-worker like she is the most perfect thing to ever walk the earth though and when my co-worker is sick, she gets flowers and extra days off to re cooperate. So today I went in as she demanded and must've spend 90% of the day in the john, total waste of a day. She can be very disrespectful and unprofessional to say the least.....
So there are lots of us in that position. I thought all Priuses were driven by government employees? But yes, I'm my own boss. But as I plough through a 100-page translation about oil and gas wells, I'm starting to hate my boss anyway, even though it's me.