My oil filter was stuck so I used an impact to take off the cap,stripped the cap but managed to take it off after ten minutes with impact gun,installed filter started engine , looked underneath , oh shhh, a puddle, went to harbor freight to buy a plumbers wrench to tighten it, still leaking, tightened some more,still leaking, decided, I need another cap so tried to take the cap off4 hrs later no luck, beat the heck out of the cap to smithereens ,give up.....wait for another day to rest my hands, I think I will have to take the whole housing and canister off the engine if possible and see from there....
I think it was stuck because someone cross threaded it last time. Sounds like a trip to see the professionals. This one is going to hurt.
Did you remember to put the rubber gasket on the filter? If the threads are bunged up, pardon the pun, but your screwed! Installing and uninstalling a oil filter should not take an impact tool. A simple strap wrench for the filter is all you should need. It it feels like it's going on wrong, it probably is!