Oh, it happened! Bad enough I got photographed coming out of the ocean yesterday and made the news looking like a drowned rat... the world did not need to see the impressive black and blue mark that happens when a horse autographs one's backside. And of course, it happened in summer. My niece still laughs to this day because she heard some really colorful language come out of my mouth and "it was so funny because you were wearing white shorts and Weatherly kicked you right in the butt."
Hi Rob, Of course all that debris was sent ocean-bound by the tsunami on day 1. The radiation from the meltdown happened days and weeks later and is unlikely to be in any of the debris. Even if there was any contaminated debris what isotopes would you be worried about? I believe all the long half life isotopes are mostly metals that wouldn't float across the ocean in any significant quantity. And the short lived ones are decayed away. There is probably much more danger from going near the beach and getting stung by a jellyfish or sucked away by a wave (which happens to a few people every year) Back to the original poster's worry about EMF from big DC batteries, cables and motors...there are so many devices in our modern world that give off varying amounts of EMF. Any claim of "feeling" something when there are so many other variables is silly nonsense until careful measurements are made with double blind medical studies to back them up. Mike
Near as I can tell, the Prius has half the fatality rate of the USA fleet: Prius Fatalities 2001-2007 Bob Wilson
Interesting topic, may be a little old but I just joint this forum. One thing I've noticed is that I get very sleepy driving my Prius all the time. I originally just thought the car feels so soft and comfortable compared to all my other cars, but after reading this topic today made me wonder.
Maybe it's because when your driving your Prius you have nothing to worry about, but if your driving it all the time your bound to get tired.
There are probably some truth with that, zero stress or worry nor guilt when driving the Prius. On the other hand driving the Ferrari is a nerve wrecking experience, constantly have to listen for any abnormal engine noise, watch the gauges and watch for other idiots who could run into me. Many near accident experiences because the pass-by drivers wants to camera phone my car while I am driving.
You have the same worries in a Prius. And there are plenty of abnormal noises in a Prius and gauges to watch as well as the same idiots on the road that like to gawk at a Ferrari like to pass Prius and/or ride the bumper. Prius is not exactly zero stress either. Its all perspective. But it aint EMF Radiation.
For those of you who do not know what EMF field radiation feels like, I have a field trip you can take! If you live in the Los Angeles area, or are planning to visit, take a trip up the "SR2" road up to the Mt Wilson Observatory. It's very near where a majority of the Radio and TV stations have their VERY HIGH RF POWER Transmitters and antenna towers are located. There are 2 roads, Audio Drive and Video Drive. Take either one and if your car does not stall out, get out and take a walk and look up at those lovely antenna towers, each one pumping MEGAWATTS of ERP! When ever I go up there, my skin crawls with RF energy, it will make the arm hair stand on end, and after a short while you will feel the need to get the hell out of there! That is EMF to worry about, EMF from a Prius is not! What you get out of a Prius is a drop compared to a ocean of RF energy!
Can you light a florescent tube by attaching a wire or antenna to one end and grounding the other? I had a Tesla coil in high school and it was a favorite trick, especially around Halloween. Bob Wilson
You might take a couple of LEDs and solder a foot or so length of wire on one lead and roll it up. Then try unrolling the wire to see if any of them 'light up.' You might also bring a cap with a signal diode solder and a roll-out antenna but I wouldn't take a DVM or believe any readings. Best to use an old coil, cheapo meter. <grins> Bob Wilson
It is an automobile ... were you expecting something more? Perhaps it would be equipped standard with a turbofan puffing red, hot gasses out the back? I never quite understood what it meant to be 'fun to drive' considering that the notion of fun typically involved things never good for gas mileage or brakes ... go figure!
Well sir, Well sir, as for me and my house, not only will I serve the Lord Jesus Christ but I most certainly will not buy American. Until Chrysler, Ford, and GM are subsidiaries of Toyota, I shall drive only two brands of automobile ever within the span of my natural lifetime: Toyota & Honda. The Prius can leak EMF until I see St. Elmo's on the windshield; The Prius can serve as a conduit with minimal friction so as to amplify the B and H fields until I no longer need to charge my phone anymore and I will happily drive a Prius ... even if an occasional arc comes off the car and grounds. I don't care if Ford manages to swindle more of Prius technology into that piece of crap called a C-Max which, by the way, has no spare time???!!!!!!! Ohh right ... here's a handy fix-a-flat kit bud... good luck! What is one to do with a fix-a-flat kit? You want me to pull the tire off and work on it right there? J U N K