I wish service tech would do their job and not fill out bogus paper work. At least they rotated the tires front to back. Said they adjusted the air pressure to 36 psi as noted for the vehicle? They were still at the same 42/40 I had them set at when I got to the dealer. Stated they tested the windshield wiper operation, well there were still water spots all over my windshield, so how did they test it? The obvious things I can see that they did not do really makes me highly doubt that they actually checked anything else suspension, steering, etc. wise. Ugh, good thing I didn't decide to do an early oil change. I'm trying to take care of my investment and this free service seems like a joke and if I have problems down the line after the warranty expires, its coming out of my pocket. Sorry had to vent...
Yes, I noticed that despite my specifically requesting that they inflate the tires to 42 PSI, they did NOTHING. I couldn't tell if they rotated or not, but at least whatever they did didn't cost me any money.