If you're on right now, 10:45 PST, Toyota is up next after the commercial break. Edit: Not one mention of the Prius. The camera did pan over one though. The focus was on the Camry hybrid and a new off-road vehicle.
Far too much emphasis on power, no discussion of efficiency, complete denial of peak oil, air quality and other constraints. Continuing schlock. Toyota is featuring the 2007 hybrid Camry (43/36 mpg).
I agree. They'd show clips of some NASCAR guy in a Dodge and every other word that came out of his mouth was "power." I didn't see anything about the Yaris, which is what I tuned in to see, so I guess I'll have to see it at the Chicago auto show in a few weeks. The Camry hybrid did look great though.
For anyone who has DirecTV and the high definition package you can see the car show again on Saturday, January 27 through January 30, 2006 on UHD (Universal High Definition channel). 1/27 9pm Eastern 1/28 2am Eastern 1/28 6pm Eastern 1/30 12:30am Eastern UHD is on Satellite Directv channel 74 in high definition.