Hello all! Just purchased a 2010 Prius IV last night from John Elway Toyota here in Southern CA. It was a lease vehicle that only had 16,700 miles and was dealer serviced at 6K, 12K, and 16K miles. CPO and fully loaded including solar pkg. I paid $24,600 and negotiated set of 4 new tires (for some reason 2 front tires were more worn than normal). 1. Did I get a good deal? (KBB states car is worth $27,900) 2. I passed on 7yr/100,000 warranty, should I get it? I know I can get it from Troy here for $1,095. 3. What are must have Prius accessories? Thanks everybody!
Welcome aboard, I am sure you will enjoy the ride. Very low mileage! If I saw uneven wear like that, I would have had them do an alignment as well. You might still consider that. Also you might consider having the 12volt battery checked for robustness. Price seems a tad high to me. KBB isn't the best place to look for real value. But hey, it is a Prius.
It sounds like you got a good deal, tires and all. Congrats on your buy! There's been discussion about the warranty and a lot of folks forego it. I'm on my 4th Toyota purchase in 10 years and (knock on wood) , have never had a problem so I never get the warranty, just traded a corolla with 180k miles for a '12 Three. If you keep up with the maintenance, whether DIY or the dealer, it'll last. If yours has been maintained from day 1, you should be fine without. It really boils down to peace of mind, like AAA. There's a ton of things that can be done to the car and this forum covers them all. Most are cosmetic, stereo, or suspension mods. Good luck with whatever you like to do! Crap, I got screwed on my Three!!
I could have gotten 2012 Prius Three for $23,900 but since my wife is primary driver she really wanted leather and heated seats. Plus she will be commuting to Palm Springs during summers so the solar pkg became very attractive. This model equipped was/is about $30-$32K new. Otherwise, I'd have gone for new 2012 Three.
^ I think you right about the tires because only 2 front tires needed to be replaced but we negotiated all 4
Before you pull the trigger on a used car, if you're not totally confident about the price you should check 5 sources: get values from NADA, Edmunds and KBB; and also see what similar cars are going for on your local craigslist and also "ended items" that actually sold (green number for price) on eBay (results sorted so you can see nearby sales). And don't ever pay full "retail" - you can be sure the selling dealer has far less in it. A nice car bought somewhere between "private party" and "retail" is a fair deal.
Don't compare it with a new 3 since jumping from 3 to 4 is a large sum of money not to mention some nice creature comforts such as leather. I think you got a good deal on it, assuming it was a certified vehicle and knowing the history of it. Congrats!