I've discovered even more advertised features that I can't even use anymore. Apparently the XM data services are "free" ONLY if you pay to have an XM radio account. So I have to basically pay for the free services. I don't or ever will have the need for stupid xm radio, so I guess I don't get my free 36 months of data. Not that I really care about the data plan it's useless garbage anyways. Just ticked off that I have no access this supposedly free service.
Interesting. I thought the data services were separate and if you get a Prius which does come with the 36 month data svc's from Xm it'll still continue to work even if you let the radio portion of the trial run out. Did you actually speak to someone at XM and confirm or did the data services just run out after the trial of the radio portion ran out? You may wanna check with Toyota as well about how this should work: 800-331-4331
I see from another post in another thread you already called Toyota. I still thought the data plan was seperate and in fact included for 3 years even if you did not continue paying for the xm music subscription. Maybe send Erica, Prius team, on here a pm and ask her if she can find out for certain. Maybe the person you spoke to on the phone was misinformed, or I may just be totally wrong in how I thought it worked.
Thanks for the info. I had just got off the phone with xm. was taking too long to get anywhere. i read off my vin twice and she still wasn't getting it. i just hung up. i don't really care enough to bother fighting for it. its just the principal of it all. my radio had been telling me "an active xm service is required" since the 3 month xm trial expired. according to toyota's entune website my "free" data service should be good until 4/10/2015, but whatever...
I still say shoot Erica a pm on here and just ask. If it should be that you should get the data service for 3 years no matter what choice you make on a music subscription she'll either know or find out for ya and probably try and fix it as well if she can. Your choice of course but it wouldn't take much time and quite frankly get what you are entitled to get IMO.
Thanks for the help Paradox. With Erica's help I got my account working properly. So I take back original statement in this thread. Anyone with 3 free years of xm data access should get just that. 3 free years. regardless of whether you have xm music or not
I own Prius III 2010 with Nav and subscription to XM. 1. What is 3yrs free data? Is that for road conditions? 2. Did my 2010 Prius come with this free data? 3. Who is Erica? Thanks, Mike
No, we're talking about XM data services for the newer head units found 2012 and on. Erica is the Prius Product Marketing Manager and part of the Prius Team, a registered user on PC.