I have been using voice recognition on the 2006 navigation system. Commands such as FM1, FM2, CD all work. However, when I say "AM", the sytem responds with "AM radio", but it does not switch over to AM radio, it did nothing. Anyone having the same problem? Can someone with 06 check this for me?
Same problem here. I stumbleed on this independently. Kinda a PITA when I wanna flip to am to check traffic. FIX IT TOYOTA!!!
I never tried AM radio before yesterday... but I did a test after your post. I could not get it to recognize "AM" at all. It wanted to show me ATM icons on the screen. However... the command "AM Radio" worked perfectly... and played my AM radio OK. Do you have AM stations programmed into your favorites? I am not sure that would make a difference... but its an idea to check. Mine is an '06 pkg#8 /Jim
If you are experiencing unreliable operation of your 2006 voice recognition system, please see this thread here in PriusChat: http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=15018&hl= Thanks, Bob R.
Bob, In this case... according to the OP, the voice recognition itself seems to be working because the MFD displays "AM Radio". However, it seems that the programming does not change to AM. /Jim
Maybe your not saying please... or using a sexy enough voice.. :wub: Sorry.... that may not help much.... maybe your prius doesn't like AM?...... If the luv-bug "herbie" has personality.. the prius must be much much more? You better say your sorry... I bet you made your prius mad and hurt its feelings?.... Go say your sorry and I bet it will work.......
Same here. 06 Pkg 7. I get both voice and visual confirmation of the given voice command (either "AM" or "AM radio"), but the system does not actually switch to AM, nor does it turn on AM if the audio is off.
hmm. interesting to know. wonder what i can get out of DH about this... the shop has only seen one 06 so far.
I had something like that happen today w/ me '06. I set a nav destination, then told it to Suspend Navigation. It said it back to me, displayed the text on the screen..then proceeded to continue to give me driving directions. I tried the Suspend again and it worked the second time.
they can't do anything about it if they don't know... bring it in to your dealer so they can check it out and either fix it at the shop or come up with a fix.
I have the same problem, MFD displays the "AM Radio" title at the top of the screen and says "AM Radio" but doesn't switch to the AM radio screen. (So, it's not a voice recognition problem, microphone problem, etc.) My car was built 12/05 (shown on the driver's door jam), bought 1/2/06. I wonder if cars that work OK are later in the production run. Toyota has probably caught the problem and made an production bug fix, but I doubt it's something they'd routinely fix on earlier cars unless there are a lot of complaints. fd
I did the test on our '06 (picked up on 2006-01-02). I can confirm that when saying "AM Radio" the MFD dutifully displays the temporary message "AM Radio" but then the actual status of the radio does not change. I did the test with the radio off, and it did not come on. I did the test again with the radio on but on an FM station, and it did not switch to AM. I will check our build date later... if anyone else knows their build date, please post it here and a note as to whether or not you are experiencing the problem. - Bob R.
I just tried it again on my 06 Prius. Saying "AM radio" works fine. It recognizes it and switches properly to AM radio [tried it from FM radio and audio off]. My build date is also 12/05. I picked up the car on 1/14/06.
What kind of features does your 2005 #9 have. We have never heard of that package in the SF Bay area. Wait a minute, are you sure you have a 05 #9 or are you really clueless?
I have package 8 2006 Prius and I have the same problem. It doesn't seem to have any link with sensitivity because when you say CD, FM it automatically switches to CD & FM respectively. But when I say AM it repeats as if it understands AM radio but doesn't do the switch to it. But one day after saying AM radio and I forgot that I even said it I had to press brakes hardly it started playing AM radio. This is definitely a bug. I didn't program my 2006 AM stations and I am not sure if that problem gets resolved if you program your stations.
I checked and my build date is 11/2005, "AM Radio" command "recognized" but does not work. I will be seeing my dealer service center on Thursday and will see if there is a TSB or other answer about this and my other voice recognition problems. - Bob R.