Have any one checked the intermittent wiper switch on their C? If you have haven't notice the settings is backwards. When you set the time interval to a minimum it actually sets it to wait longer to turn on rather than sooner. When you want it to turn on sooner it actually waits longer to turn on.
I totally see where you are getting your logic and it makes sense, but I think instead of it being a gage of the duration in between wipes it is a gage of how many times it wipes. So the thicker line (as you turn it away from you) is trying to say that the wipers will wipe "more frequently" while twisting towards you means that they will wipe "less frequently". You could also think of the lines and how think they are as "more rain" or "less rain".
Actually, it's our way of presenting information that's different. MPG is a horrible way of stating efficiency. It makes no reference to the quantity of fuel actually consumed. That's why most of the rest of the world doesn't use it... stating 100 km/liter instead. For us, we really should switch to 100 mile/gallon. But you know how unwilling we are to accept change. Look back at the Classic model Prius. To shift to drive, the motion was to pull toward you instead of down. That resulting in a massive number of reviews stating how strange the shift arm was... in large part due to them not being able to find anything else to complain about. In other words, small differences are ok... and be thankful for rain considering how bad the drought has been.
I for one really like the concept of miles per gallon. If I buy a gallon of gas I am really buying "XX" number of miles (about 50 in my Prius C). If I were dumb enough to own a big pickup truck or SUV my purchase of one gallon of gas would buy me 15 miles -- that sucks. Sorry, but you can keep the concept of 100 km / X.XX liters.
I guess when you're used to it, you think differently. It's actually x.x litres / 100 km for the record and it's a very literal measure of fuel consumption, telling you how much fuel you burn to cover a given distance. Given most people drive given distances - from their origin to destination, this is a really useful measure of consumption and the amount of fuel that will be required. I only use MPG here for ease of comparison with others since this forum is US-dominated, but outside of this and in my own records, I use metric as it makes much more sense to me. This tangent is probably more for the fuel economy sub-forum though.
I love it! We have Prii issues. i.e.: Nothing to complain about, so we discuss MPG vs L/100km. I've been on alot of forums, but never one like this. lol