Does anyone know an EASY way to turn off the navigation system and/or the voice WHILE YOU ARE DRIVING? I can't afford to start scrolling the setup menu to turn it off and I am wondering if there is a voice command or easy 1-touch way to turn off the navigation voice when necessary?
Off no you can turn it down with 2 clicks. Has anyone else noticed that it does not give any directions while you on the cell phone? Not voice or on the screen.
You can stop the voice and the turn by turn guidance with the voice command "pause guidance." And in Setup, Voice, you can select the volume level; I don't recall if you can turn it off, and I don't think you can do it while the car's moving.
Check out this thread: There's a voice pause command, a press nav and cancel sequence, and a press route and pause sequence.
I would like to suppress the voice directions, but allow it to continue on the route & still provide traffic warnings. I cannot find a way to make that happen. Anyone find a way??
In my 2012 on the main nav screen there is a little speaker icon (lower left) you can click on to crank her voice down (no vol bars is an option). I really wanted a way to change the voice!
To most that is a very nice feature. Why would you want the voice guidance while talking on the phone?
That's pretty much what I do, but then I don't hear traffic alerts, which would be nice. That's why I wanted to separate them. You listening Toyota SW engineers??
NeVERmiiiinnnnndddd! I found the "master" volume control under Menu->Volume was turned OFF. The radio worked, the phone worked, hadn't considered that the Nav audio wasn't controlled by the same "panel" as the phone. I have the opposite problem. I bought a 2009 in Oct to replace my totaled (rear ended) 2004. The map DVD was bad so they ordered one. The one they got was the "latest" but, sadly, it was for the Gen III. Back it went and 5 months later I FINALLY got the 2012 DVD for the 2006-2009 Prius. I made sure it worked but didn't make use of it right off. I put it in my wife's '06 (she still has her original) because she took my daughter to Colgate and University of Rochester. Worked fine for them. Well, I finally got it back and tried to use it. Marveled at the much better graphics than I had in my '04 but then realized, the Nav Lady doesn't talk!!! I checked the setup, all the Nav voice things are set to "On". I even hit the "default" button. Still she is mute. Am I missing something obvious or is something broken? I have no desire to drive through Boston looking at the Nav screen because she isn't telling me when turns are coming up. Driving in Boston is dangerous enough with your eyes on the road!! Thanks, Bruce
No, they aren't. It is a good bet they can't read English, anyway. (In 1988, I translated my Honda software to French for Honda Canada, neither I nor anyone on my team spoke French. So there is no reason to suspect Toyota's software folks speak English)