If you desire to cancel yourself off the waiting list at a particular dealer. Are there any ramnifications? I didn't put any money down to be put on this list. Can I just call them and tell them to cancel me out? Waiting for a car for 5 months and longer isn't in the plan for me. I'm now taking a serious look at the Nissan 350Z base model for 27,000 with 300hp. Have a nice day. Gary in Minnesota B)
Just call them and cancel. If you waited 5 months, there is probably someone else who would gladly take your spot. Have you tried calling other Toyota dealers?
Five months and nothing? No deposit? I'd say the dealer doesn't even have you on a list. If you really want a Prius I'd canvas all of the dealerships in the area within a 100-300 miles radius. Of if you're looking for a particular color/package/interior consider even flying to get it and driving back. Others have done that. The internet is really great. I find the internet sales managers are better to deal with. You can find your car within a few days if you really want one.
I'm not an attorney, but if I were you, I wouldn't worry at all about canceling your order, especially since you gave no deposit. The dealer can't come after you (or keep a deposit) unless he has suffered a financial loss due to your cancellation. If your dealer had placed an order for a car that he could not sell to someone else, he might have legal grounds to keep a deposit or recoup his expenses through the courts; that aside, he is obliged to cancel and/or return your depost. I was on a waiting list for about 4 months and got frustrated when the dealer told me last week it would be another 2 months wait. I had given the dealer $500 to get on his waiting list. I called another dealer that evening, found and purchased the car I wanted. The next day I visited the original dealer and demanded my $500 down payment be returned. The dealer returned my deposit without an argument, knowing they could have tried a little harder to find a car with the color and options I wanted. By the way, you may be able to find the car you want, just by making a few phone calls to dealers within 50 to 100 miles of your location. The demand for Prius's seems to have subsided a bit. It wasn't hard for me to find several dealers with Prius's available and with the options I wanted. As it turns out, ordering the car in September and putting a deposit down was not necessary. I found the car myself in one evening over the phone.
I was able to get mine within five mintues of calling an out of state dealer, just took a $49 flight and 228 mile pleasureable drive back and I have a new car. With the exact color and package I wanted. Gave up on the local dealers.
I had one dealership I called who got pissed off when I told him I was calling around to different dealers to find a Prius. He said that was not right and wanted a 1,000 deposit to get on his list He said you had to get on the list and wait. Since when is the buyer not able to shop around for someone who could take care of them? (I guess he thinks the Prius is special or something ) I had another dealership laugh at me when I called asking for a Prius. Little did he know that I ended up getting one the same exact day from a dealership down the way from him!
He claimed it's not suppose to be that way for a Prius? You are suppose to get on one list (with ONE dealer)and give a $1,000 deposit and sit and wait and wait. Several dealers I talked to said they didn't do dealers trades with the Prius. Being so that could make your wait pretty long!
Gary, I was quoted the same long waits when we ordered ours (last April) from the Twin Cities dealers. Since we were not fussy regarding colors/option packages, I asked about ordering one with any configuration, told me"no can do", again Twin City dealers. Then we were in Mankato one day and stopped at the dealer there (there appears to be Prii all over the place down there), we were able to order one, any config and color there with no problem. Two weeks later we got a call that a Salsa red package 4 would be available in 1 month, we grabbed it!!! The day ours came in, they (Heintz Toyota), got an entire trailer load of Prii, they seem to get a much larger allotment then the City dealers. Anyway, it may be worth a call, and heck, it's a nice drive down 169 to Mankato. Good Luck!!!