I am finding Prius C drivers to be expressive with waves and smiles while the standard Prius drivers seem to be more reserved. I realize the C is different but it is related to it's big brother right?
If I waved at every standard Prius I saw I would be waving nearly every block. The C isn't nearly as common and has the newness factor going for it. Enjoy it while it still happens.
A valid point but in some more rural parts of the country folks tend to wave to each other on the road for no reason. I live in an area with many retired folks driving the Prius and I think they are just focusing on driving which is understandable. I have actually only seen about three C's in the four months I have had mine so your point stands to reason.
I honestly see no correlation whatsoever. Los Angeles is full of Prii, and most drivers here are A-holes in general, so it doesn't seem to matter what they're driving.
I beeped at a C driver here in Monroeville, PA he didn't he glance over However someone at my work has a C 1 or 2 and I haven't figured out who it is yet.
If I see a C, I will let you know! I have only seen 2 v's other than my own and Gen3s are still rarer than Gen2s here. (I see one Volt and a Hybrid Tahoe, too)
There's a v I park next to at work from time to time. I doubt we'll ever meet each other though - they clearly start and finish earlier than I do. I'll always wonder if they even notice the c that keeps parking next to them. I've only seen other c's sporadically and not for some time now. I don't think they ever notice me. Liftbacks are everywhere, they're just another car... and I suspect many of them wouldn't recognise the c as a Prius. It's had very little press here.
When I visit places in the south or Midwest everyone seems to wave. Here in CA, nope! In fact, I got cut off the road this morning by a white Prius sporting 100% limo tint all the way around. I've seen it before and its driver drives like a bat out of hell. That's friendly San Diego, CA folk. iPad ? HD